Author | Institution | Presentation | Paper | Slide |
A.Abduldayem, D.Gany, L.Seneviratne and T.Taha – | Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates | Reconstruction of Complex Structures with Online Profiling and Adaptive Viewpoint Sampling | paper | presentation |
E.Baskaya, M.Bronz, and D.Delahaye | ENAC, Toulouse, France | Flight Simulation of a MAKO UAV for Use in Data-Driven Fault Diagnosis | paper | presentation |
Y.Beyer | TU Braunschweig, Germany | Simulation and Control of a Tandem Tiltwing RPAS Without Experimental Data | paper | presentation |
M.Bobbe, A.Kern, Y.Khedar, S.Batzdorfer and U.Bestmann | TU Braunschweig, Germany | An Automated Rapid Mapping Solution Based on ORBSLAM and Agisoft Photoscan API | paper | presentation |
R.G.Braga, R.C.da Silva, A.C.B.Ramos, F.Mora-Camino | Federal University of Itajub??a, Brasil & ENAC, Toulouse, France | A Hybrid Approach for 3D Formation Control in a Swarm of UAVs using ROS | paper | presentation |
Y.Bri??re | ISAE-SUPAERO, Toulouse, France | Drones Control and Navigation Strategies | ||
??M.Bronz | ENAC, Toulouse, France | Novel Design Methodologies for MAVs | ||
??P.Campoy | Technical University of Madrid, Spain | Image Processing Developments | ||
??C.Chauffaut, L.Burlion, F.Defay, H.De Plinval | ISAE-SUPAERO & ONERA, Toulouse, France | Collision Avoidance of multiple MAVs using a multiple Outputs to Input Saturation Technique | paper | presentation |
??T.Cunis and M.Bronz | ENAC, Toulouse, France | EDURA: an Evolvable Demonstrator for Upset Recovery Approaches with a 3D-printed Launcher | paper | |
??H. De Plinval | ONERA, Toulouse, France | Control Designs and Analysis | ||
??C.De Wagter | TU Delft, The Netherlands | Wind Measurements using MAVs | ||
??C.De Wagter, M.Karasekyand and G.De Croon | TU Delft, The Netherlands | Quad-thopter: Tailless Flapping Wing Robot with 4 Pairs of Wings | paper | presentation |
??J.A.Delamer, Y.Watanabe, C.P.Carvalho Chanel | ONERA & ISAE-SUPAERO, Toulouse, France | Towards a MOMDP model for UAV safe path planning in urban environment | paper | |
??T.Desert, J.M.Moschetta and H.Bezard | ONERA & ISAE-SUPAERO, Toulouse, France | Aerodynamic design of a martian micro air vehicle | paper | |
??L.A.Doan, C.Delebarre, S.Grondel, E.Cattan | University of Valenciennes & Centrale Lille, France | Bond Graph based design tool for a passive rotation flapping wing | paper | presentation |
??M.El-Salamony, S.Serokhvostov | MIPT, Zhukovsky, Russia | Investigation on Natural Frequency and Fuselage Effect for Small UAVs Lateral Motion | paper | |
??H.Garcia de Marina and G.Hattenberger | ENAC, Toulouse, France | Formation flight of fixed-wing aircraft by employing guidance vector fields | paper | |
??N.Gavrilovic, M.Bronz, J.-M.Moschetta, E.Benard and P.Pastor | ISAE-SUPAERO & ENAC, Toulouse, France | Bio-inspired Wind Field Estimation-Part 1: AoA Measurements Through Surface Pressure Distribution | paper | |
??N.Gourdain, T.Jardin, R.Serre, S.Prothin and J.-M.Moschetta | ISAE-SUPAERO, Toulouse, France | Application of Lattice Boltzmann Method to some challenges related to Micro Air Vehicles | paper | |
??T.Jardin | ISAE-SUPAERO, Toulouse, France | Aerodynamics and flow control | ||
??S.Lacroix | LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France | Multiple Vehicles Cooperation | ||
??Z.Liu, C.Bu, X.Kong, and D.Yang | Jiaotong University, Xi???an, China | Aeroacoustics investigation on nano coaxial rotor | paper | presentation |
??Z.Li, Mingjie Lao, S.K.Phang, M.Redhwan, A.Hamid, K.Z.Tang and F.Lin | National University of Singapore, Singapore | Development and Design Methodology of an Anti-Vibration System on Micro-UAVs | paper | |
??L.R.Lustosa, J.M.O.Barth, J.-P.Condomines, F.Defay and J.-M.Moschetta | ISAE-SUPAERO & ENAC, Toulouse, France | Team MAVion entry in the IMAV’17 outdoor challenge – A tail-sitting trajectory-tracking UAV | paper | |
??A.Mohamed, P.Poksawat, S.Watkins, R.Gigacz | RMIT, Melbourne, Australia | Developing a stable UAS for Operation in Turbulent Urban Environment | ||
??M.Molina, P.Frau, D.Maravall, J.L.Sanchez-Lopez, H.Bavle, P.Campoy | Technical University of Madrid, Spain | Human-Robot Cooperation in Surface Inspection Aerial Missions | paper | presentation |
??D.Moormann | Aachen University, Germany | Aeroacoustics Investigations | ||
??H.Nemati, A.Naghash, S.Mozafari, and A.Jamei | Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran | Robust Attitude Control for Quadrotors with External Disturbances | paper | |
??H.-P.Nguyen, J.De Miras, A.Charara and S.Bonnet | Universit?? de Technologie de Compi??gne,CNRS, Heudiasyc, Compi??gne, France | A numerical approach for attitude control of a quadrotor | paper | |
??A.Panta, P.Petersen, M.Marino, S.Watkins and A.Mohamed | RMIT University, Melbourne Australia | Qualitative Investigation of the Dynamics of a Leading Edge Control Surfaces for Micro Air Vehicle Applications | paper | presentation |
??T.Pantuphag, S.Catteeyothai, N.Krajangsawasdi and C.Thipyopas | Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand | Analysis of Folding Wing Rolling Moment | paper | |
??F.Pasquali, Y.Bri??re, and N.Gavrilovic | ISAE-SUPAERO, Toulouse, France | Application of a switching control strategy to extract energy from turbulence by a UAV | paper | |
??H.Qin, Y.Bi, F.Lin and B.M.Chen | National University of Singapore, Singapore | Development of Vision Based Navigation for Micro Aerial Vehicles in Harsh Environment | paper | |
??A.Rajaeizadeh, A.Naghash, and A.Mohamadifard | Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran | Cooperative Aerial Payload Transportation Using Two Quadrotors | paper | |
??N.Santos, E.Laroche, R.Kiefer and S.Durand | ICube, Illkirch, France | Robustness Analysis of a Controlled Quadrotor MAV Carrying a Cable-suspended Load | paper | |
??S.Serokhvostov and B.Makaev | MIPT, Zhukovsky, Russia | Copter Size Minimization for IMAV-2017 Competition in Record Breaking Session | paper | |
??R.Serre, V.Chapin, J.M.Moschetta and H.Fournier | ISAE-SUPAERO, Toulouse, France | Reducing the noise of Micro-Air Vehicles in hover | paper | presentation |
??E.J.J.Smeur, D.C.Hoppener, C.De Wagter | TU Delft, The Netherlands | Prioritized Control Allocation for Quadrotors Subject to Saturation | paper | presentation |
??K.Stremousov and M.Arkhipov | MIPT, Zhukovsky, Russia | Study of ducted fans interference for copter type multirotor UAV/RPAS | paper | presentation |
??V.Strobel, R.Meertens and G.C.H.E.De Croon | TU Delft, The Netherlands | Efficient Global Indoor Localization for Micro Aerial Vehicles | paper | |
??M.Tognon and A.Franchi | LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France | Landing and Take-off on/from Sloped and Non-planar Surfaces with more than 50 Degrees of Inclination | paper | |
??E.S.Van der Sman, E.J.J.Smeur, B.Remes, C.De Wagter and Q.Chu | TU Delft, The Netherlands | Incremental Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion and Multihole Pressure Probes for Disturbance Rejection Control of Fixed-wing Micro Air Vehicles | paper | |
??E.Vanhoutte, F.Ruffier and J.Serres | ISM, CNRS, Marseille, France | A honeybee???s navigational toolkit on Board a Bio-inspired Micro Flying Robot | paper | |
??V.Vyshinsky, A.Kislovskiy | MIPT, Zhukovsky, Russia | Quick aerodynamic design of micro air vehicles | paper | |
??Y.Watanabe | ONERA, Toulouse, France | Navigation Strategies and the Use of Vision | ||
??S.Watkins, M.Abdulghani, S.Prudden, M.Marino, R.Clothier, A.Fisher and A.Panta | RMIT, Melbourne, Australia | Using MAVs for Atmospheric Wind Measurements: Opportunities and Challenges | paper | |
??F.Yacef, N.Rizoug, O.Bouhali and M.Hamerlain | ESTACA, Laval, France & Jijel University, Algeria | Optimization of Energy Consumption for Quadrotor UAV | paper | |
??H.Yu, J.Wang, K.Fu, W.Yang | Wuhan University, China | An Intelligent Unmanned Aircraft System for Wilderness Search and Rescue | paper |
Coretta Leturcq