IMAV 2011 Proceedings

The proceedings of IMAV 2011 conference are available at

  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Percin, Y. Hu, B. V. W. Oudheusden, B. Remes, and F. Scarano, “Wing flexibility effects in clap-and-fling,” in Proceedings of the international micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2011 summer edition, ‘t Harde, the Netherlands, 2011, p. 5–12.
    author = {Mustafa Percin and Ye Hu and Bas W. Van Oudheusden and Bart Remes and Fulvio Scarano},
    editor = {Guido de Croon and Matthijs Amelink},
    title = {Wing flexibility effects in clap-and-fling},
    year = {2011},
    month = {September},
    day = {12-15},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2011 Summer Edition},
    address = {'t Harde, the Netherlands},
    pages = {5--12},
    doi = {10.4233/uuid:eadf2fe7-7e5a-4cf8-88e5-6c247f5b6fa9},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Fuchiwaki, T. Kuroki, K. Tanaka, and T. Tabata, “Dynamic behaviors of a vortex ring on a butterfly and a small flapping robot,” in Proceedings of the international micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2011 summer edition, ‘t Harde, the Netherlands, 2011, p. 13–17.
    author = {Masaki Fuchiwaki and Taichi Kuroki and Kazuhiro Tanaka and Takahide Tabata},
    editor = {Guido de Croon and Matthijs Amelink},
    title = {Dynamic Behaviors of a Vortex Ring on a Butterfly and a Small Flapping Robot},
    year = {2011},
    month = {September},
    day = {12-15},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2011 Summer Edition},
    address = {'t Harde, the Netherlands},
    pages = {13--17},
    doi = {10.4233/uuid:eadf2fe7-7e5a-4cf8-88e5-6c247f5b6fa9},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] W. B. Tay, H. Bijl, and B. V. W. Oudheusden, “Analysis of tail effects in flapping flight,” in Proceedings of the international micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2011 summer edition, ‘t Harde, the Netherlands, 2011, p. 18–23.
    author = {Wee Beng Tay and Hester Bijl and Bas W. Van Oudheusden},
    editor = {Guido de Croon and Matthijs Amelink},
    title = {Analysis of tail effects in flapping flight},
    year = {2011},
    month = {September},
    day = {12-15},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2011 Summer Edition},
    address = {'t Harde, the Netherlands},
    pages = {18--23},
    doi = {10.4233/uuid:eadf2fe7-7e5a-4cf8-88e5-6c247f5b6fa9},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] C. Thipyopas, A. Sun, and J. Moschetta, “Application of electro-active materials to a coaxial-rotor nav,” in Proceedings of the international micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2011 summer edition, ‘t Harde, the Netherlands, 2011, p. 24–29.
    author = {Chinnapat Thipyopas and Anbang Sun and Jean-Marc Moschetta},
    editor = {Guido de Croon and Matthijs Amelink},
    title = {Application of Electro-Active Materials to a Coaxial-Rotor NAV},
    year = {2011},
    month = {September},
    day = {12-15},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2011 Summer Edition},
    address = {'t Harde, the Netherlands},
    pages = {24--29},
    doi = {10.4233/uuid:eadf2fe7-7e5a-4cf8-88e5-6c247f5b6fa9},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] N. Ageev, “Numerical investigation of disc-wing mav with propeller in a wing slot,” in Proceedings of the international micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2011 summer edition, ‘t Harde, the Netherlands, 2011, p. 30–34.
    author = {Nikita Ageev},
    editor = {Guido de Croon and Matthijs Amelink},
    title = {Numerical investigation of disc-wing MAV with propeller in a wing slot},
    year = {2011},
    month = {September},
    day = {12-15},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2011 Summer Edition},
    address = {'t Harde, the Netherlands},
    pages = {30--34},
    doi = {10.4233/uuid:eadf2fe7-7e5a-4cf8-88e5-6c247f5b6fa9},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] D. Langkamp, G. Roberts, A. Scillitoe, A. Llopis-Pascual, J. Zamecnik, P. Sam, M. Rodriguez-Frias, M. Turner, A. Lanzon, and W. Crowther, “An engineering development of a novel hexrotor vehicle for 3d applications,” in Proceedings of the international micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2011 summer edition, ‘t Harde, the Netherlands, 2011, p. 35–42.
    author = {David Langkamp and Gareth Roberts and Ashley Scillitoe and Alberto Llopis-Pascual and Juraj Zamecnik and Proctor Sam and Myrna Rodriguez-Frias and Martin Turner and Alexander Lanzon and William Crowther},
    editor = {Guido de Croon and Matthijs Amelink},
    title = {An engineering development of a novel hexrotor vehicle for 3D applications},
    year = {2011},
    month = {September},
    day = {12-15},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2011 Summer Edition},
    address = {'t Harde, the Netherlands},
    pages = {35--42},
    doi = {10.4233/uuid:eadf2fe7-7e5a-4cf8-88e5-6c247f5b6fa9},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Visser, N. Dijkshoorn, M. van der Veen, and R. Jurriaans, “Closing the gap between simulation and reality in the sensor and motion models of an autonomous ar. drone,” in Proceedings of the international micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2011 summer edition, ‘t Harde, the Netherlands, 2011, p. 43–50.
    author = {Arnoud Visser and Nick Dijkshoorn and Martijn van der Veen and Robrecht Jurriaans},
    editor = {Guido de Croon and Matthijs Amelink},
    title = {Closing the gap between simulation and reality in the sensor and motion models of an autonomous AR. Drone},
    year = {2011},
    month = {September},
    day = {12-15},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2011 Summer Edition},
    address = {'t Harde, the Netherlands},
    pages = {43--50},
    doi = {10.4233/uuid:eadf2fe7-7e5a-4cf8-88e5-6c247f5b6fa9},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] R. Siddiqui, M. Havaei, S. Khatibi, and C. Lindley, “Plase: a novel planar surface extraction method for the autonomous navigation of micro-air vehicle,” in Proceedings of the international micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2011 summer edition, ‘t Harde, the Netherlands, 2011, p. 51–58.
    author = {Rafid Siddiqui and Mohammad Havaei and Siamak Khatibi and Craig Lindley},
    editor = {Guido de Croon and Matthijs Amelink},
    title = {PLASE: A novel planar surface extraction method for the autonomous navigation of micro-air vehicle},
    year = {2011},
    month = {September},
    day = {12-15},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2011 Summer Edition},
    address = {'t Harde, the Netherlands},
    pages = {51--58},
    doi = {10.4233/uuid:eadf2fe7-7e5a-4cf8-88e5-6c247f5b6fa9},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] P. K. Gerke, J. Langevoort, S. Lagarde, L. Bax, T. Grootswagers, R. Drenth, V. Slieker, L. Vuurpijl, P. Haselager, I. Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper, and G. D. Croon, “Biomav: bio-inspired intelligence for autonomous flight,” in Proceedings of the international micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2011 summer edition, ‘t Harde, the Netherlands, 2011, p. 59–66.
    author = {Paul K. Gerke and Jurriaan Langevoort and Sjoerd Lagarde and Laurie Bax and Tijl Grootswagers and Robert-Jan Drenth and Vincent Slieker and Louis Vuurpijl and Pim Haselager and Ida Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper and Guido De Croon},
    editor = {Guido de Croon and Matthijs Amelink},
    title = {BioMAV: bio-inspired intelligence for autonomous flight},
    year = {2011},
    month = {September},
    day = {12-15},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2011 Summer Edition},
    address = {'t Harde, the Netherlands},
    pages = {59--66},
    doi = {10.4233/uuid:eadf2fe7-7e5a-4cf8-88e5-6c247f5b6fa9},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] R. Czyba, G. Szafranski, and A. Rys, “Practical aspects of trirotor mav development,” in Proceedings of the international micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2011 summer edition, ‘t Harde, the Netherlands, 2011, p. 67–72.
    author = {Roman Czyba and Grzegorz Szafranski and Andrzej Rys},
    editor = {Guido de Croon and Matthijs Amelink},
    title = {Practical Aspects of Trirotor MAV Development},
    year = {2011},
    month = {September},
    day = {12-15},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2011 Summer Edition},
    address = {'t Harde, the Netherlands},
    pages = {67--72},
    doi = {10.4233/uuid:eadf2fe7-7e5a-4cf8-88e5-6c247f5b6fa9},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] G. Szafranski and R. Czyba, “Different approaches of pid control uav type quadrotor,” in Proceedings of the international micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2011 summer edition, ‘t Harde, the Netherlands, 2011, p. 73–78.
    author = {Grzegorz Szafranski and Roman Czyba},
    editor = {Guido de Croon and Matthijs Amelink},
    title = {Different Approaches of PID Control UAV Type Quadrotor},
    year = {2011},
    month = {September},
    day = {12-15},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2011 Summer Edition},
    address = {'t Harde, the Netherlands},
    pages = {73--78},
    doi = {10.4233/uuid:eadf2fe7-7e5a-4cf8-88e5-6c247f5b6fa9},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Itasse, J. Moschetta, R. Carr, and Y. Ameho, “Equilibrium transition study for a hybrid mav,” in Proceedings of the international micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2011 summer edition, ‘t Harde, the Netherlands, 2011, p. 79–86.
    author = {Maxime Itasse and Jean-Marc Moschetta and Ryan Carr and Yann Ameho},
    editor = {Guido de Croon and Matthijs Amelink},
    title = {Equilibrium Transition Study for a Hybrid MAV},
    year = {2011},
    month = {September},
    day = {12-15},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2011 Summer Edition},
    address = {'t Harde, the Netherlands},
    pages = {79--86},
    doi = {10.4233/uuid:eadf2fe7-7e5a-4cf8-88e5-6c247f5b6fa9},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] W. Thielicke, A. B. Kesel, and E. J. Stamhuis, “Vortex-lift modeling provides reliable force predictions for flapping-wing micro air vehicles,” in Proceedings of the international micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2011 summer edition, ‘t Harde, the Netherlands, 2011, p. 87–94.
    author = {William Thielicke and Antonia B. Kesel and Eize J. Stamhuis},
    editor = {Guido de Croon and Matthijs Amelink},
    title = {Vortex-lift modeling provides reliable force predictions for flapping-wing micro air vehicles},
    year = {2011},
    month = {September},
    day = {12-15},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2011 Summer Edition},
    address = {'t Harde, the Netherlands},
    pages = {87--94},
    doi = {10.4233/uuid:eadf2fe7-7e5a-4cf8-88e5-6c247f5b6fa9},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Gillebaart, A. V. Zuijlen, and H. Bijl, “Aerodynamic analysis of the wing flexibility and the clap-and-peel motion of the hovering delfly ii,” in Proceedings of the international micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2011 summer edition, ‘t Harde, the Netherlands, 2011, p. 95–102.
    author = {Thijs Gillebaart and Alexander Van Zuijlen and Hester Bijl},
    editor = {Guido de Croon and Matthijs Amelink},
    title = {Aerodynamic analysis of the wing Flexibility and the clap-and-peel motion of the hovering DelFly II},
    year = {2011},
    month = {September},
    day = {12-15},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2011 Summer Edition},
    address = {'t Harde, the Netherlands},
    pages = {95--102},
    doi = {10.4233/uuid:eadf2fe7-7e5a-4cf8-88e5-6c247f5b6fa9},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] C. Thipyopas and N. Intratep, “Aerodynamics study of fixed-wing mav: wind tunnel and flight test,” in Proceedings of the international micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2011 summer edition, ‘t Harde, the Netherlands, 2011, p. 103–110.
    author = {Chinnapat Thipyopas and Nanyaporn Intratep},
    editor = {Guido de Croon and Matthijs Amelink},
    title = {Aerodynamics Study of Fixed-Wing MAV: Wind Tunnel and Flight Test},
    year = {2011},
    month = {September},
    day = {12-15},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2011 Summer Edition},
    address = {'t Harde, the Netherlands},
    pages = {103--110},
    doi = {10.4233/uuid:eadf2fe7-7e5a-4cf8-88e5-6c247f5b6fa9},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] S. V. Serokhvostov and T. E. Churkina, “One useful propeller mathematical model for mav,” in Proceedings of the international micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2011 summer edition, ‘t Harde, the Netherlands, 2011, p. 111–117.
    author = {S.V. Serokhvostov and T. E. Churkina},
    editor = {Guido de Croon and Matthijs Amelink},
    title = {One useful propeller mathematical model for MAV},
    year = {2011},
    month = {September},
    day = {12-15},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2011 Summer Edition},
    address = {'t Harde, the Netherlands},
    pages = {111--117},
    doi = {10.4233/uuid:eadf2fe7-7e5a-4cf8-88e5-6c247f5b6fa9},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] H. M. Hojjat, “Transient analysis of nylon 6/6 for a thin shell structure by fem,” in Proceedings of the international micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2011 summer edition, ‘t Harde, the Netherlands, 2011, p. 118–121.
    author = {Hamidreza Montazer Hojjat},
    editor = {Guido de Croon and Matthijs Amelink},
    title = {Transient analysis of Nylon 6/6 for a thin shell structure by FEM},
    year = {2011},
    month = {September},
    day = {12-15},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2011 Summer Edition},
    address = {'t Harde, the Netherlands},
    pages = {118--121},
    doi = {10.4233/uuid:eadf2fe7-7e5a-4cf8-88e5-6c247f5b6fa9},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Kondratiev and Y. Tiumentsev, “Inverse dynamics approach to adaptive damage-tolerant control for unmanned aerial vehicles,” in Proceedings of the international micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2011 summer edition, ‘t Harde, the Netherlands, 2011, p. 122–129.
    author = {Alexey Kondratiev and Yury Tiumentsev},
    editor = {Guido de Croon and Matthijs Amelink},
    title = {Inverse dynamics approach to adaptive damage-tolerant control for unmanned aerial vehicles},
    year = {2011},
    month = {September},
    day = {12-15},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2011 Summer Edition},
    address = {'t Harde, the Netherlands},
    pages = {122--129},
    doi = {10.4233/uuid:eadf2fe7-7e5a-4cf8-88e5-6c247f5b6fa9},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] V. Brusov and V. Petruchik, “Design approach for selection of wing airfoil with regard to micro-uavs,” in Proceedings of the international micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2011 summer edition, ‘t Harde, the Netherlands, 2011, p. 130–134.
    author = {Vladimir Brusov and Vladimir Petruchik},
    editor = {Guido de Croon and Matthijs Amelink},
    title = {Design approach for selection of wing airfoil with regard to micro-UAVs},
    year = {2011},
    month = {September},
    day = {12-15},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2011 Summer Edition},
    address = {'t Harde, the Netherlands},
    pages = {130--134},
    doi = {10.4233/uuid:eadf2fe7-7e5a-4cf8-88e5-6c247f5b6fa9},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] V. Brusov, J. Grzybowski, and V. Petruchik, “Flight data acquisition system for small unmanned aerial vehicles,” in Proceedings of the international micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2011 summer edition, ‘t Harde, the Netherlands, 2011, p. 135–140.
    author = {Vladimir Brusov and Jozef Grzybowski and Vladimir Petruchik},
    editor = {Guido de Croon and Matthijs Amelink},
    title = {Flight data acquisition system for small unmanned aerial vehicles},
    year = {2011},
    month = {September},
    day = {12-15},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2011 Summer Edition},
    address = {'t Harde, the Netherlands},
    pages = {135--140},
    doi = {10.4233/uuid:eadf2fe7-7e5a-4cf8-88e5-6c247f5b6fa9},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] C. Dernehl, D. Franke, H. Diab, and S. Kowalewski, “An architecture with integrated image processing for autonomous micro aerial vehicles,” in Proceedings of the international micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2011 summer edition, ‘t Harde, the Netherlands, 2011, p. 141–148.
    author = {Christian Dernehl and Dominik Franke and Hilal Diab and Stefan Kowalewski},
    editor = {Guido de Croon and Matthijs Amelink},
    title = {An Architecture with Integrated Image Processing for Autonomous Micro Aerial Vehicles},
    year = {2011},
    month = {September},
    day = {12-15},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2011 Summer Edition},
    address = {'t Harde, the Netherlands},
    pages = {141--148},
    doi = {10.4233/uuid:eadf2fe7-7e5a-4cf8-88e5-6c247f5b6fa9},
    pdf = {}

EMAV2009 Proceedings

  • [PDF] C. Kuo and C. Boller, “Adaptive winglet design, analysis and optimisation of the cant angle for enhanced mav performance,” in European micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2009, Delft, the Netherlands, 2009, p. 1–6.
    author = {Chen-Ming Kuo and Christian Boller},
    title = {Adaptive Winglet Design, Analysis and Optimisation of the Cant Angle for Enhanced MAV Performance},
    year = {2009},
    month = {September},
    day = {14-17},
    booktitle = {European Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2009},
    address = {Delft, the Netherlands},
    pages = {1--6},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] K. de Clerq, R. de Kat, B. Remes, B. W. van Oudheusden, and H. and Bijl, “Aerodynamic experiments on delfly ii: unsteady lift enhancement,” in European micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2009, Delft, the Netherlands, 2009, p. 7–11.
    author = {K. de Clerq and R. de Kat and B. Remes and B.W. van Oudheusden and and H. Bijl},
    title = {Aerodynamic experiments on DelFly II: unsteady lift enhancement},
    year = {2009},
    month = {September},
    day = {14-17},
    booktitle = {European Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2009},
    address = {Delft, the Netherlands},
    pages = {7--11},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] R. Czyba, “Attitude stabilization of an indoor quadrotor,” in European micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2009, Delft, the Netherlands, 2009, p. 12–20.
    author = {Roman Czyba},
    title = {Attitude Stabilization of an Indoor Quadrotor},
    year = {2009},
    month = {September},
    day = {14-17},
    booktitle = {European Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2009},
    address = {Delft, the Netherlands},
    pages = {12--20},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] A. Bachrach, R. He, and N. and Roy, “Autonomous flight in unstructured and unknown indoor environments,” in European micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2009, Delft, the Netherlands, 2009, p. 21–28.
    author = {Abraham Bachrach and Ruijie He and and Nicholas Roy},
    title = {Autonomous Flight in Unstructured and Unknown Indoor Environments},
    year = {2009},
    month = {September},
    day = {14-17},
    booktitle = {European Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2009},
    address = {Delft, the Netherlands},
    pages = {21--28},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] B. Yoon, K. Park, G. Kim, and K. and Yoon, “Control surface of flying robot using piezo-electric composite actuator,” in European micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2009, Delft, the Netherlands, 2009, p. 29–32.
    author = {Bum-Soo Yoon and Ki-Hoon Park and Gyou-Beom Kim and and Kwang-Joon Yoon},
    title = {Control Surface of Flying Robot using Piezo-Electric Composite Actuator},
    year = {2009},
    month = {September},
    day = {14-17},
    booktitle = {European Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2009},
    address = {Delft, the Netherlands},
    pages = {29--32},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] C. Orlowski, A. Girard, and W. and Shyy, “Derivation and simulation of the nonlinear dynamics of a flapping wing micro-air vehicle,” in European micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2009, Delft, the Netherlands, 2009, p. 33–41.
    author = {Christopher Orlowski and Anouck Girard and and Wei Shyy},
    title = {Derivation and simulation of the nonlinear dynamics of a flapping wing micro-air vehicle},
    year = {2009},
    month = {September},
    day = {14-17},
    booktitle = {European Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2009},
    address = {Delft, the Netherlands},
    pages = {33--41},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] Z. LIU, J. Moschetta, N. Chapman, and R. and Bar�nes, “Design of test benches for the hovering performance of nano-rotors,” in European micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2009, Delft, the Netherlands, 2009, p. 42–50.
    author = {Zhen LIU and Jean-Marc Moschetta and Nathan Chapman and and Roger Bar�nes},
    title = {Design of Test Benches for the Hovering Performance of Nano-Rotors},
    year = {2009},
    month = {September},
    day = {14-17},
    booktitle = {European Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2009},
    address = {Delft, the Netherlands},
    pages = {42--50},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] C. T. Bolsman, J. F. L. Goosen, and F. and van Keulen, “Design overview of a resonant wing actuation mechanism for application in flapping wing mavs,” in European micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2009, Delft, the Netherlands, 2009, p. 51–57.
    author = {C.T. Bolsman and J.F.L. Goosen and and F. van Keulen},
    title = {Design Overview of a Resonant Wing Actuation Mechanism for Application in Flapping Wing MAVs},
    year = {2009},
    month = {September},
    day = {14-17},
    booktitle = {European Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2009},
    address = {Delft, the Netherlands},
    pages = {51--57},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] R. Kiefer, M. Vedrines, and F. and Kiefer, “Development of a mini-uav with elliptical wing “drone cigogne”,” in European micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2009, Delft, the Netherlands, 2009.
    author = {Renaud Kiefer and Marc Vedrines and and Francois Kiefer},
    title = {Development of a mini-UAV with elliptical wing ``Drone Cigogne''},
    year = {2009},
    month = {September},
    day = {14-17},
    booktitle = {European Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2009},
    address = {Delft, the Netherlands},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] S. Widhiarini and K. J. Yoon, “Development of the flight performance of a 15 cm flapping-wing air vehicle,” in European micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2009, Delft, the Netherlands, 2009, p. 58–62.
    author = {Sriyulianti Widhiarini and Kwang Joon Yoon},
    title = {Development of the Flight Performance of a 15 cm Flapping-wing Air Vehicle},
    year = {2009},
    month = {September},
    day = {14-17},
    booktitle = {European Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2009},
    address = {Delft, the Netherlands},
    pages = {58--62},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] A. Lukaszewicz, “Geometrical modelling of uav using parametric cax systems,” in European micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2009, Delft, the Netherlands, 2009, p. 63–67.
    author = {Andrzej Lukaszewicz},
    title = {Geometrical modelling of UAV using parametric CAx systems},
    year = {2009},
    month = {September},
    day = {14-17},
    booktitle = {European Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2009},
    address = {Delft, the Netherlands},
    pages = {63--67},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] C. Kownacki, “Guidance and obstacle avoidance of mav in uncertain urban environment,” in European micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2009, Delft, the Netherlands, 2009, p. 68–73.
    author = {Cezary Kownacki},
    title = {Guidance and obstacle avoidance of MAV in uncertain urban environment},
    year = {2009},
    month = {September},
    day = {14-17},
    booktitle = {European Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2009},
    address = {Delft, the Netherlands},
    pages = {68--73},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] Y. Hu and J. J. Wang, “Leading-edge vortex structure of the gliding butterfly,” in European micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2009, Delft, the Netherlands, 2009, p. 74–79.
    author = {Y. Hu and J.J. Wang},
    title = {Leading-Edge Vortex Structure of the Gliding Butterfly},
    year = {2009},
    month = {September},
    day = {14-17},
    booktitle = {European Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2009},
    address = {Delft, the Netherlands},
    pages = {74--79},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] P. Gnemmi, A. Koehl, B. Martinez, S. Changey, and S. and Theodoulis, “Modeling and control of two glmav hovering-flight concepts,” in European micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2009, Delft, the Netherlands, 2009.
    author = {Patrick Gnemmi and Arnaud Koehl and Bastien Martinez and S{\'e}bastien Changey and and Spilios Theodoulis},
    title = {Modeling and Control of Two GLMAV Hovering-Flight Concepts},
    year = {2009},
    month = {September},
    day = {14-17},
    booktitle = {European Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2009},
    address = {Delft, the Netherlands},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] J. Stowers, A. Bainbridge-Smith, M. Hayes, and S. and Mills, “Optical flow for attitude estimation of a quadrotor helicopter,” in European micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2009, Delft, the Netherlands, 2009, p. 80–87.
    author = {John Stowers and Andrew Bainbridge-Smith and Michael Hayes and and Steven Mills},
    title = {Optical Flow for Attitude Estimation of a Quadrotor Helicopter},
    year = {2009},
    month = {September},
    day = {14-17},
    booktitle = {European Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2009},
    address = {Delft, the Netherlands},
    pages = {80--87},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] D. Kravchenko and S. Serokhvostov, “Optimal control of flapping wing with taking into account nonsteady effects,” in European micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2009, Delft, the Netherlands, 2009, p. 88–93.
    author = {Diana Kravchenko and Sergey Serokhvostov},
    title = {Optimal control of flapping wing with taking into account nonsteady effects},
    year = {2009},
    month = {September},
    day = {14-17},
    booktitle = {European Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2009},
    address = {Delft, the Netherlands},
    pages = {88--93},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] S. Serokhvostov and T. Churkina, “Optimization of design and control of micro air vehicle for emav-09 indoor dynamic competition,” in European micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2009, Delft, the Netherlands, 2009, p. 94–97.
    author = {Sergey Serokhvostov and Tatyana Churkina},
    title = {Optimization of design and control of Micro Air Vehicle for EMAV-09 indoor dynamic competition},
    year = {2009},
    month = {September},
    day = {14-17},
    booktitle = {European Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2009},
    address = {Delft, the Netherlands},
    pages = {94--97},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] A. Beyeler, J. Zufferey, and D. and Floreano, “Optipilot: control of take-off and landing using optic flow,” in European micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2009, Delft, the Netherlands, 2009, p. 98–105.
    author = {Antoine Beyeler and Jean-Christophe Zufferey and and Dario Floreano},
    title = {OptiPilot: control of take-off and landing using optic flow},
    year = {2009},
    month = {September},
    day = {14-17},
    booktitle = {European Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2009},
    address = {Delft, the Netherlands},
    pages = {98--105},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] M. A. A. Oroumieh, M. B. S. Malaek, and M. and Ashrafizaadeh, “Proposing a special strategy for platform rdte design cycle of mav and small uav aircrafts,” in European micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2009, Delft, the Netherlands, 2009, p. 106–113.
    author = {Mehran Ali Azizi Oroumieh and S. Mohammad Bagher Malaek and and Mahmud Ashrafizaadeh},
    title = {Proposing a Special Strategy for Platform RDTE Design Cycle of MAV and Small UAV Aircrafts},
    year = {2009},
    month = {September},
    day = {14-17},
    booktitle = {European Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2009},
    address = {Delft, the Netherlands},
    pages = {106--113},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] Z. Liu and J. Moschetta, “Rotary vs. flapping-wing nano air vehicles: comparing performances,” in European micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2009, Delft, the Netherlands, 2009, p. 114–120.
    author = {Zhen Liu and Jean-marc Moschetta},
    title = {Rotary vs. Flapping-Wing Nano Air Vehicles: Comparing Performances},
    year = {2009},
    month = {September},
    day = {14-17},
    booktitle = {European Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2009},
    address = {Delft, the Netherlands},
    pages = {114--120},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] M. Bronz, J. Moschetta, P. Brisset, and M. and Gorraz, “Towards a long endurance mav,” in European micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2009, Delft, the Netherlands, 2009, p. 121–128.
    author = {Murat Bronz and Jean-Marc Moschetta and Pascal Brisset and and Michel Gorraz},
    title = {Towards a Long Endurance MAV},
    year = {2009},
    month = {September},
    day = {14-17},
    booktitle = {European Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2009},
    address = {Delft, the Netherlands},
    pages = {121--128},
    pdf = {}
  • [PDF] S. Farrell and D. Jacques, “Waypoint generation based upon sensor aimpoint,” in European micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2009, Delft, the Netherlands, 2009, p. 129–136.
    author = {Shannon Farrell and David Jacques},
    title = {Waypoint Generation based upon Sensor Aimpoint},
    year = {2009},
    month = {September},
    day = {14-17},
    booktitle = {European Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2009},
    address = {Delft, the Netherlands},
    pages = {129--136},
    pdf = {}