G. de Croon and D. C. Wagter, “13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 1–16.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-0:preface, author = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {1--16}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/0.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/0.pdf} }
M. A. Martinez-Ramirez and H. Rodríguez-Cortés, “Lateral guidance and control for a fixed-wing aircraft,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 17–24.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-1:m_martinezramirez_et_al, author = {Marco A. Martinez-Ramirez and Hugo Rodríguez-Cortés}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Lateral guidance and control for a fixed-wing aircraft}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {17--24}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-1}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/1.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/1.pdf} }
Z. Bilgin, M. Bronz, and I. Yavrucuk, “Panel method based path planning for fixed wing micro aerial vehicles,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 25–31.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-2:z_bilgin_et_al, author = {Zeynep Bilgin and Murat Bronz and Ilkay Yavrucuk}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Panel Method Based Path Planning for Fixed Wing Micro Aerial Vehicles}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {25--31}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-2}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/2.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/2.pdf} }
T. Kim, J. Kim, I. Seo, and S. Kim, “Reconnaissance target grouping and assignment considering fault severity for uav swarm,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 32–38.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-3:t_kim_et_al, author = {Taegyun Kim and Jingu Kim and Ilwon Seo and Seungkeun Kim}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Reconnaissance Target Grouping and Assignment Considering Fault Severity for UAV Swarm}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {32--38}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-3}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/3.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/3.pdf} }
G. Hattenberger, M. Bronz, and J. Condomines, “Evaluation of drag coefficient for a quadrotor model,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 39–46.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-4:g_hattenberger_et_al, author = {Gautier Hattenberger and Murat Bronz and Jean-Philippe Condomines}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Evaluation of drag coefficient for a quadrotor model}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {39--46}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-4}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/4.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/4.pdf} }
S. Bahnam, C. de Wagter, and G. de Croon, “Improving the computational efficiency of rovio,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 47–52.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-5:s_bahnam_et_al, author = {Stavrow Bahnam and Christophe de Wagter and Guido de Croon}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Improving the computational efficiency of ROVIO}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {47--52}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-5}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/5.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/5.pdf} }
C. A. Quero, D. Durini, J. J. de Magdaleno, J. Martinez-Carranza, and R. Ramos-Garcia, “Fast nir-single-pixel-imaging enhancement under scattering environment,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 53–58.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-6:c_quero_et_al, author = {Carlos Alexander Quero and Daniel Durini and José de Jesús Magdaleno and Jose Martinez-Carranza and Ruben Ramos-Garcia}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Fast NIR-Single-Pixel-Imaging enhancement under scattering environment}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {53--58}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-6}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/6.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/6.pdf} }
E. Cereda, D. Palossi, and A. Giusti, “Handling pitch variations for visual perception in mavs: synthetic augmentation and state fusion,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 59–65.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-7:e_cereda_et_al, author = {Elia Cereda and Daniele Palossi and Alessandro Giusti}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Handling Pitch Variations for Visual Perception in MAVs: Synthetic Augmentation and State Fusion}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {59--65}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-7}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/7.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/7.pdf} }
L. Bergantin, C. Coquet, A. Negre, T. Raharijaona, N. Marchand, and F. Ruffier, “Using trajectory oscillation timing improves in-flight odometry based solely on optic flows,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 66–74.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-8:l_bergantin_et_al, author = {Lucia Bergantin and Charles Coquet and Amaury Negre and Thibaut Raharijaona and Nicolas Marchand and Franck Ruffier}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Using trajectory oscillation timing improves in-flight odometry based solely on optic flows}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {66--74}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-8}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/8.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/8.pdf} }
S. Wilshin, S. Amos, and R. J. Bomphrey, “Seeing with sound – surface detection and avoidance by sensing self-generated noise,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 75–83.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-9:s_wilshin_et_al, author = {Simon Wilshin and Stephen Amos and Richard J Bomphrey}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Seeing with sound -- surface detection and avoidance by sensing self-generated noise}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {75--83}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-9}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/9.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/9.pdf} }
Z. Wang, J. Qu, and P. Morin, “Deep learning-based flight speed estimation using thermal anemometers,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 84–91.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-10:z_wang_et_al, author = {Ze Wang and Jingang Qu and Pascal Morin}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Deep Learning-based Flight Speed Estimation using Thermal Anemometers}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {84--91}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-10}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/10.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/10.pdf} }
M. Mariana-Edith, L. O. Rojas-Perez, and J. Martinez-Carranza, “Semantic segmentation of rgb aerial images using cnn and superregions,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 92–102.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-11:m_marianaedith_et_al, author = {Miranda-Varela Mariana-Edith and Leticia Oyuki Rojas-Perez and Jose Martinez-Carranza}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Semantic Segmentation of RGB Aerial Images Using CNN and Superregions}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {92--102}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-11}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/11.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/11.pdf} }
A. A. Cabrera-Ponce, M. I. Martin-Ortiz, and J. Martinez-Carranza, “Multi-model continual learning for camera localisation from aerial images,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 103–109.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-12:a_cabreraponce_et_al, author = {Aldrich Alfredo Cabrera-Ponce and Manuel Isidro Martin-Ortiz and Jose Martinez-Carranza}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Multi-Model Continual Learning for Camera Localisation from Aerial Images}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {103--109}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-12}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/12.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/12.pdf} }
O. L. Rojas-Perez and J. Martinez-Carranza, “Leveraging a neural pilot via automatic gain tuning using gate detection for autonomous drone racing,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 110–118.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-13:l_rojasperez_et_al, author = {L. Oyuki Rojas-Perez and Jose Martinez-Carranza}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Leveraging a Neural Pilot via Automatic Gain Tuning using Gate Detection for Autonomous Drone Racing}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {110--118}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-13}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/13.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/13.pdf} }
D. van Wijngaarden and B. D. W. Remes, “Indi control for the oblique wing-quad plane drone,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 119–126.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-14:d_wijngaarden_et_al, author = {Dennis van Wijngaarden and Bart D.W. Remes}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {INDI Control for the oblique wing-quad plane drone}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {119--126}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-14}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/14.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/14.pdf} }
J. Müller and D. Moormann, “Miniaturisation and control of an unmanned tiltwing aircraft,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 127–135.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-15:j_maller_et_al, author = {Julian Müller and Dieter Moormann}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Miniaturisation and Control of an Unmanned Tiltwing Aircraft}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {127--135}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-15}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/15.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/15.pdf} }
D. Schatten, “Attitude control for a tiltwing aircraft under tail actuator failures,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 136–143.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-16:d_schatten_et_al, author = {Daniel Schatten}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Attitude control for a tiltwing aircraft under tail actuator failures}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {136--143}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-16}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/16.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/16.pdf} }
H. Jeaong, J. Suk, and S. Kim, “Robust flight control using hybrid incremental nonlinear dynamic inversion control for tiltrotor uav,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 144–151.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-17:h_jeaong_et_al, author = {Hoijo Jeaong and Jinyoung Suk and Seungkeun Kim}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Robust flight control using Hybrid Incremental Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion Control for Tiltrotor UAV}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {144--151}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-17}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/17.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/17.pdf} }
M. Lefebvre, T. Pavot, R. Kiefer, M. Vedrines, and N. Bahlouli, “Recyclable bio-based composite flax/elium for uav applications,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 152–158.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-18:m_lefebvre_et_al, author = {Martin Lefebvre and Thomas Pavot and Renaud Kiefer and Marc Vedrines and Nadia Bahlouli}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Recyclable bio-based composite Flax/Elium for UAV applications}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {152--158}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-18}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/18.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/18.pdf} }
L. F. T. Fernandez, M. Bronz, N. Bartoli, and T. Lefebvre, “Development of a mission-tailored tail-sitter mav,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 159–168.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-19:l_fernandez_et_al, author = {Luiz Fernando Tiberio Fernandez and Murat Bronz and Nathalie Bartoli and Thierry Lefebvre}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Development of a Mission-Tailored Tail-Sitter MAV}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {159--168}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-19}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/19.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/19.pdf} }
B. Bernabe-Lorranca and H. Rodríguez-Cortés, “C wing geometric design based on aircraft flying qualities,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 169–174.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-20:b_bernabelorranca_et_al, author = {Beatriz Bernabe-Lorranca and Hugo Rodríguez-Cortés}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {C wing geometric design based on aircraft flying qualities}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {169--174}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-20}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/20.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/20.pdf} }
G. Hattenberger, F. Bonneval, M. Ladeira, E. Grolleau, and Y. Ouhammou, “Micro-drone autopilot architecture for efficient static scheduling,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 175–182.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-21:g_hattenberger_et_al, author = {Gautier Hattenberger and Fabien Bonneval and Matheus Ladeira and Emmanuel Grolleau and Yassine Ouhammou}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Micro-drone autopilot architecture for efficient static scheduling}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {175--182}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-21}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/21.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/21.pdf} }
M. Lashgari and A. Naghash, “Hover controller design and implementation for a dragonfly-like flapping wing,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 183–192.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-22:m_lashgari_et_al, author = {Mohammad Lashgari and Abolghasem Naghash}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Hover Controller Design and Implementation for a Dragonfly-like Flapping Wing}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {183--192}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-22}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/22.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/22.pdf} }
S. Schröter, E. J. J. Smeur, and B. D. W. Remes, “Design and joint control of a conjoined biplane and quadrotor,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 193–200.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-23:s_schrater_et_al, author = {Shawn Schröter and Ewoud J.J. Smeur and Bart D.W. Remes}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Design and Joint Control of a Conjoined Biplane and Quadrotor}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {193--200}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-23}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/23.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/23.pdf} }
W. Oh, I. Kim, S. Kim, and J. Suk, “Total energy control system design for longitudinal dynamics of complex articulated ornithopter,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 201–206.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-24:w_oh_et_al, author = {Woongtaek Oh and Inrae Kim and Seungkeun Kim and Jinyoung Suk}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Total Energy Control System Design for Longitudinal Dynamics of Complex Articulated Ornithopter}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {201--206}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-24}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/24.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/24.pdf} }
T. Pavot, M. Lefebvre, R. Kiefer, T. Mesbahi, and E. Laroche, “Frequency based strategy for hybrid-powered unmanned aerial vehicle,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 207–212.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-25:t_pavot_et_al, author = {Thomas Pavot and Martin Lefebvre and Renaud Kiefer and Tedjanie Mesbahi and Edouard Laroche}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Frequency based strategy for hybrid-powered unmanned aerial vehicle}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {207--212}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-25}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/25.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/25.pdf} }
Tag: the Netherlands
IMAV2022 – Call for papers
The call for papers and dates of IMAV2022 have been published. Check it out at http://www.imavs.org/2022/
IMAV 2014 Proceedings
The best paper have been publisched in the International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles Volume 6 Issue 4: https://journals.sagepub.com/toc/mava/6/4
The IMAV 2014 proceedings are available at: http://dx.doi.org/
M. Jankauski and I. Y. Shen, “Dynamic modeling of a rotating insect wing,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 10–17.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:m_jankauski_et_al, author = {Mark Jankauski and I.Y. Shen}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Dynamic Modeling of a Rotating Insect Wing}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {10--17}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper03.pdf}, }
Q. Nguyen, W. L. Chan, and M. Debiasi, “Design, fabrication, and performance test of an hovering-based flapping-wing micro air vehicle capable of sustained and controlled flight,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 18–25.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:q_nguyen_et_al, author = {Quoc-Viet Nguyen and Woei Leong Chan and Marco Debiasi}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Design, Fabrication, and Performance Test of an Hovering-Based Flapping-Wing Micro Air Vehicle Capable of Sustained and Controlled Flight}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {18--25}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper05.pdf}, }
J. van de Loosdrecht, K. Dijkstra, J. H. Postma, W. Keuning, and D. Bruin, “Twirre: architecture for autonomous mini-uavs using interchangeable commodity components,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 26–33.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:j_loosdrecht_et_al, author = {Jaap van de Loosdrecht and Klaas Dijkstra and Jorn Haaije Postma and Wouter Keuning and Dick Bruin}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Twirre: Architecture for autonomous mini-UAVs using interchangeable commodity components}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {26--33}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper07.pdf}, }
W. L. Chan, Q. Nguyen, and M. Debiasi, “Pitch and yaw control of tailless flapping wing mavs by implementing wing root angle deflection,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 34–41.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:w_chan_et_al, author = {Woei Leong Chan and Quoc-Viet Nguyen and Marco Debiasi}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Pitch and Yaw Control of Tailless Flapping Wing MAVs by Implementing Wing Root Angle Deflection }, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {34--41}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper09.pdf}, }
A. Chand, M. Kawanishi, and T. Narikiyo, “Design analysis, modelling and experimental validation of a bird-like flapping-wing flying robot,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 42–49.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:a_chand_et_al, author = {Aneesh Chand and Michihiro Kawanishi and Tatsuo Narikiyo}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Design Analysis, Modelling and Experimental Validation of a Bird-like Flapping-Wing Flying Robot}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {42--49}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper12.pdf}, }
K. Li, R. Huang, S. K. Phang, S. Lai, F. Wang, P. Tan, B. M. Chen, and T. H. Lee, “Off-board visual odometry and control of an ultralight quadrotor mav,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 50–57.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:k_li_et_al, author = {Kun Li and Rui Huang and Swee King Phang and Shupeng Lai and Fei Wang and Ping Tan and Ben M. Chen and Tong Heng Lee}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Off-board Visual Odometry and Control of an Ultralight Quadrotor MAV}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {50--57}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper13.pdf}, }
P. Lu, E. van Kampen, and B. Yu, “Actuator fault detection and diagnosis for quadrotors,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 58–63.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:p_lu_et_al, author = {Peng Lu and Erik-Jan van Kampen and Bin Yu}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Actuator Fault Detection and Diagnosis for Quadrotors}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {58--63}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper15.pdf}, }
N. Gaissert, R. Mugrauer, G. Mugrauer, A. Jebens, K. Jebens, C. Rabe, and E. M. Knubben, “Emotionspheres: a new design for human-friendly uavs,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 64–68.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:n_gaissert_et_al, author = {Nina Gaissert and Rainer Mugrauer and G{\"u}nter Mugrauer and Agalya Jebens and Kristof Jebens and Clemens Rabe and Elias Maria Knubben}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {eMotionSpheres: A New Design for Human-Friendly UAVs}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {64--68}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper17.pdf}, }
J. Melin, M. Lauri, and R. Ritala, “Stereo vision with consumer grade high resolution cameras for a micro air vehicle,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 69–76.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:j_melin_et_al, author = {Joonas Melin and Mikko Lauri and Risto Ritala}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Stereo vision with consumer grade high resolution cameras for a micro air vehicle }, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {69--76}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper18.pdf}, }
M. Schütt, P. Hartmann, and D. Moormann, “Fullscale windtunnel investigation of actuator effectiveness during stationary flight within the entire flight envelope of a tiltwing mav,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 77–83.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:m_schutt_et_al, author = {Marten Sch{\"u}tt and Philipp Hartmann and Dieter Moormann}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Fullscale Windtunnel Investigation of Actuator Effectiveness during Stationary Flight within the Entire Flight Envelope of a Tiltwing MAV}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {77--83}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper19.pdf}, }
M. Verbandt, B. Theys, and J. D. Schutter, “Robust marker-tracking system for vision-based autonomous landing of vtol uavs,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 84–91.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:m_verbandt_et_al, author = {Maarten Verbandt and Bart Theys and Joris De Schutter}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Robust marker-tracking system for vision-based autonomous landing of VTOL UAVs}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {84--91}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper20.pdf}, }
Q. Wang, J. F. L. Goosen, and F. V. Keulen, “Study of design parameters of flapping-wings,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 92–101.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:q_wang_et_al, author = {Qi Wang and Johannes F.L. Goosen and Fred Van Keulen}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Study of design parameters of flapping-wings}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {92--101}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper29.pdf}, }
S. Fuller, E. Helbling, P. Chirarattananon, and R. Wood, “Using a gyroscope to stabilize the attitude of a fly-sized hovering robot,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 102–109.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:s_fuller_et_al, author = {Sawyer Fuller and Elizabeth Helbling and Pakpong Chirarattananon and Robert Wood}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Using a gyroscope to stabilize the attitude of a fly-sized hovering robot}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {102--109}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper32.pdf}, }
T. Noyon, W. B. Tay, B. V. Oudheusden, and H. Bijl, “Effect of chordwise deformation on unsteady aerodynamic mechanisms in hovering flapping flight,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 110–117.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:t_noyon_et_al, author = {Tijs Noyon and Wee Beng Tay and Bas Van Oudheusden and Hester Bijl}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Effect of chordwise deformation on unsteady aerodynamic mechanisms in hovering flapping flight}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {110--117}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper35.pdf}, }
M. Karasek, A. Hua, Y. Nan, M. E. Lalami, and A. Preumont, “Pitch and roll control mechanism for a hovering flapping wing mav,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 118–125.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:m_karasek_et_al, author = {Matej Karasek and Alexandre Hua and Yanghai Nan and Mohamed Esseghir Lalami and Andr{\'e} Preumont}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Pitch and roll control mechanism for a hovering flapping wing MAV}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {118--125}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper36.pdf}, }
Y. Wang, W. Chen, H. Wang, and R. Li, “A computational study on the aerodynamics of a 90 mm ducted contra-rotating lift fan,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 126–133.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:y_wang_et_al, author = {Yangang Wang and Weixiong Chen and Haitong Wang and Ruiyu Li}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {A Computational Study on the Aerodynamics of a 90 mm Ducted Contra-Rotating Lift Fan}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {126--133}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper37.pdf}, }
F. Schiano, J. Alonso-Mora, K. Rudin, P. Beardsley, R. Siegwart, and B. Siciliano, “Towards estimation and correction of wind effects on a quadrotor uav,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 134–141.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:f_schiano_et_al, author = {Fabrizio Schiano and Javier Alonso-Mora and Konrad Rudin and Paul Beardsley and Roland Siegwart and Bruno Siciliano}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Towards Estimation and Correction of Wind Effects on a Quadrotor UAV}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {134--141}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper39.pdf}, }
J. Sagar and A. Visser, “Obstacle avoidance by combining background subtraction, optical flow and proximity estimation,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 142–149.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:j_sagar_et_al, author = {Jaysinh Sagar and Arnoud Visser}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Obstacle avoidance by combining background subtraction, optical flow and proximity estimation}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {142--149}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper40.pdf}, }
R. Muzaffar and E. Yanmaz, “Trajectory-aware ad hoc routing protocol for micro aerial vehicle networks,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 150–156.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:r_muzaffar_et_al, author = {Raheeb Muzaffar and Evsen Yanmaz}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Trajectory-aware Ad hoc Routing Protocol for Micro Aerial Vehicle Networks}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {150--156}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper41.pdf}, }
L. R. Lustosa, F. Defay, and J. Moschetta, “Development of the flight model of a tilt-body mav,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 157–163.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:l_lustosa_et_al, author = {Leandro R. Lustosa and Fran{\c{c}}ois Defay and Jean-Marc Moschetta}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Development of the flight model of a tilt-body MAV}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {157--163}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper42.pdf}, }
D. Kumar, A. Sharma, T. Goyal, V. S. Kumar, P. M. Mohite, and S. Kamle, “Deformation analysis of a hummingbird inspired mav flapping wing using digital image correlation,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 164–171.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:d_kumar_et_al, author = {David Kumar and Akash Sharma and Tigmanshu Goyal and Vemuri Shyam Kumar and P. M. Mohite and Sudhir Kamle}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Deformation Analysis of a Hummingbird Inspired MAV Flapping Wing using Digital Image Correlation}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {164--171}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper43.pdf}, }
M. A. Olivares-Mendez, S. Kannan, and H. Voos, “V-rep & ros testbed for design, test, and tuning of a quadrotor vision based fuzzy control system for autonomous landing,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 172–179.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:m_olivares-mendez_et_al, author = {Miguel A. Olivares-Mendez and Sumasundar Kannan and Holger Voos}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {V-REP \& ROS Testbed for Design, Test, and Tuning of a Quadrotor Vision Based Fuzzy Control System for Autonomous Landing}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {172--179}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper44.pdf}, }
V. S. Kumar, D. Kumar, T. Goyal, P. M. Mohite, and S. Kamle, “Development and application of pp-cnt composite for hummingbird inspired mav flapping wings,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 180–187.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:v_kumar_et_al, author = {Vemuri Shyam Kumar and David Kumar and Tigmanshu Goyal and P M Mohite and Sudhir Kamle}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Development and Application of PP-CNT Composite for Hummingbird Inspired MAV Flapping Wings}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {180--187}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper45.pdf}, }
C. Fuchs, C. Borst, G. de Croon, R. van Paassen, and M. Mulder, “An ecological approach to the supervisory control of uav swarms,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 188–195.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:c_fuchs_et_al, author = {Christian Fuchs and Clark Borst and Guido de Croon and Ren{\'e} van Paassen and Max Mulder}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {An Ecological Approach to the Supervisory Control of UAV Swarms}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {188--195}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper47.pdf}, }
E. Smeur, Q. Chu, G. de Croon, B. Remes, C. D. Wagter, and E. van der Horst, “Modelling of a hybrid uav using test flight data,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 196–203.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:e_smeur_et_al, author = {Ewoud Smeur and Qiping Chu and Guido de Croon and Bart Remes and Christophe De Wagter and Erik van der Horst}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Modelling of a Hybrid UAV Using Test Flight Data}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {196--203}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper48.pdf}, }
A. Tenaglia, M. Percin, B. V. W. Oudheusden, S. Deng, and B. Remes, “Vortex formation and force generation mechanisms of the delfly ii in hovering flight,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 204–211.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:a_tenaglia_et_al, author = {Andrea Tenaglia and Mustafa Percin and Bas W. Van Oudheusden and Shuanghou Deng and Bart Remes}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Vortex Formation and Force Generation Mechanisms of the DelFly II in Hovering Flight}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {204--211}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper49.pdf}, }
S. Armanini, J. Verboom, G. de Croon, and C. de Visser, “Determination of trim curves for a flapping-wing mav,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 212–217.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:s_armanini_et_al, author = {Sophie Armanini and Jochem Verboom and Guido de Croon and Coen de Visser}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Determination of trim curves for a flapping-wing MAV}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {212--217}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper50.pdf}, }
M. R. Jumat and S. Srigrarom, “Design and development of ugs flapping wing mavs,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 219–224.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:m_jumat_et_al, author = {Muhammad Ridhwan Jumat and Sutthiphong Srigrarom}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Design and development of UGS flapping wing MAVs}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {219--224}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper10.pdf}, }
K. Shilov, “The next generation design of autonomous mav flight control system smartap,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 225–229.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:k_shilov_et_al, author = {Kirill Shilov}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {The Next Generation Design of Autonomous MAV Flight Control System SmartAP}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {225--229}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper11.pdf}, }
M. Kimura, R. Shibasaki, M. Nagai, and X. Shao, “Automatic extraction of moving objects from uav-borne monocular images using multi-view geometric constraints,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 230–234.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:m_kimura_et_al, author = {Motoki Kimura and Ryosuke Shibasaki and Masahiko Nagai and Xiaowei Shao}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Automatic extraction of moving objects from UAV-borne monocular images using multi-view geometric constraints}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {230--234}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper14.pdf}, }
S. Serokhvostov, N. Ageev, and M. Arkhipov, “Design of ducted fans of small height for hexacopter with long hover ability,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 235–237.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:s_serokhvostov_et_al, author = {Sergey Serokhvostov and Nikita Ageev and Maxim Arkhipov}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Design of Ducted Fans of Small Height for Hexacopter with Long Hover Ability}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {235--237}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper21.pdf}, }
A. Ng, Q. Foo, R. Jumat, T. V. Rayar, W. C. Koh, and S. Srigrarom, “Design and build of swarm quadrotor uavs at ugs,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 238–246.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:a_ng_et_al, author = {Alvin Ng and Qiwang Foo and Ridhwan Jumat and Tony Victor Rayar and Wei Chong Koh and Sutthiphong Srigrarom}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Design and Build of Swarm Quadrotor UAVs at UGS}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {238--246}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper25.pdf}, }
G. Hattenberger, M. Bronz, and M. Gorraz, “Using the paparazzi uav system for scientific research,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 247–252.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:g_hattenberger_et_al, author = {Gautier Hattenberger and Murat Bronz and Michel Gorraz}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Using the Paparazzi UAV System for Scientific Research}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {247--252}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper26.pdf}, }
E. Colles, F. Nollet, B. Vandeportaele, and G. Hattenberger, “Autonomous aerial mapping and observation task for imav2014 competition,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 253–258.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:e_colles_et_al, author = {Emmanuel Colles and Fabien Nollet and Bertrand Vandeportaele and Gautier Hattenberger}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Autonomous Aerial Mapping and Observation Task for IMAV2014 Competition}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {253--258}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper27.pdf}, }
M. Cordero, M. Á. Trujillo, J. Ruíz, A. Jiménez, L. Díaz, and A. Viguria, “Flexible framework for the development of versatile mav systems for multi-disciplinary applications,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 259–264.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:m_cordero_et_al, author = {Miguel Cordero and Miguel {\'A}ngel Trujillo and Jonathan Ru{\'i}z and Antonio Jim{\'e}nez and Luis D{\'i}az and Antidio Viguria}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Flexible framework for the development of versatile MAV systems for multi-disciplinary applications}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {259--264}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper31.pdf}, }
M. Gäbel, T. Krüger, and U. Bestmann, “Design of a quadrotor system for an autonomous indoor exploration,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 265–271.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:m_gabel_et_al, author = {Mario G{\"a}bel and Thomas Kr{\"u}ger and Ulf Bestmann}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Design of a Quadrotor System for an Autonomous Indoor Exploration}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {265--271}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper34.pdf}, }
S. Loh, V. Vaswani, and B. Tan, “Modular quad rotor (semi-autonomous/autonomous),” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 272–279.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:s_loh_et_al, author = {Samuel Loh and Vishal Vaswani and Benson Tan}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Modular Quad Rotor (Semi-Autonomous/Autonomous)}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {272--279}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper46.pdf}, }
B. Remes, P. Esden-Tempski, F. van Tienen, E. Smeur, C. D. Wagter, and G. de Croon, “Lisa-s 2.8g autopilot for gps-based flight of mavs,” in International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 2014, p. 280–285.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2014:b_remes_et_al, author = {Bart Remes and Piotr Esden-Tempski and Freek van Tienen and Ewoud Smeur and Christophe De Wagter and Guido de Croon}, editor = {G. de Croon and E.J. van Kampen and C. De Wagter and C. de Visser}, title = {Lisa-S 2.8g autopilot for GPS-based flight of MAVs}, year = {2014}, month = {aug}, day = {12-15}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference 2014}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, pages = {280--285}, doi = {10.4233/uuid:ef248460-783a-4894-bc3b-668304715a60}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2014/paper51.pdf}, }
IMAV 2014 Competition Video
IMAV 2014 Competition Results
In 2014 the “International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition” took place in Delft, the Netherlands from 12th to 15th of August. It was organized by a committee of scientists of the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). 248 visitors from different countries attended the IMAV 2014. The competition results and the capabilities the team demonstrated were:
1st prize: National University of Singapore (Singapore) [683]
Onboard automatic image stitching, onboard number recognition(*), onboard autonomous laser-based room navigation, onboard computer vision based precision roof landing, autonomous takeoffs, autonomous landings (*), onboard computer vision based 7-segment digit recognition (*), autonomous flying WiFi-relay.
2nd prize: Team Dipole (Germany) [425]
Smallest MAV’s of the competition. Very talented FPV flight with many take-off, precision landings, reading house numbers, visiting 18 indoor rooms (several double and not counted), recognizing 16 indoor objects correctly. Geocopter auto-take-off and flight, precision auto landing and partial high resolution ortophoto.
3rd prize: Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (France) [189]
Autonomous takeoff, Best overall photomission, all blockades visible, full village high resolution map at 6cm/pixel, autonomous computer vision based 7-segment display reading (**), longest correct observation string, autonomous roof landing (*), reading house numbers with many ARdrones in autonomous flight. Several autonomous landings.
4th place: High Flyers (Poland) [161]
Autonomous Photomission (*), Autonomous Flight Blockade detection, Autonomous take-offs, precision landing, Video-based indoor ARDrone flight with several rooms and objects but many crashes and many user interactions.
5th place: AUTMAV (Iran) [148]
Flying router-repeater quad (*), Auto-take-off, Partial photomap, 1 Blockade, Roof-Landing (*). IP-Camera house number reading (*), ARdrone roof landing.
6th place: AKAMAV (Germany) [108]
Autonomous take-offs, Autonomous photomap (*), House number readings (*), Autonomous roof landing, 1 Blockade, Several manual landings.
7th place: Manchester (UK) [100]
Autonomous take-off, Photomission flown, minimal village map (*), 1 blockade, precision landing.
8th place: EMC+ (Iran) [79]
FPV flight: Take-Off, Roof landing (*), Precision Landing, House number reading (OCR software), Visited 2 indoor Rooms, Roof landing.
9th place: MRL (Iran) [39]
Automatic take-off, Roof landing (*), Photomission flown, map stitching error (*), automatic landing.
10th place: ARIO (Iran) [20]
Fixed-wing: Autonomous take-off, autonomous photomission, many manual flight interactions
11th place + Special Achievement Prize: MAVerix (Germany) [12]
Autonomous take-off, autonomous transitioning to forward flight as fixed-wing, onboard camera (*/no mission information recorded). Special Achievement prize for their contribution to hybrid flight, their work on de-coupling controls.
Shared 12th place: CUAF (UK) [0]
Autonomous Take-Off (*), Photomission (*), …
Shared 12th place: MIPTeam (Russia) [0]
New own design of autopilot: SmartAP. Video-based entering the house (*)
(*) Item attempted but either failed, or needed manual flight, or not according to competition rules.
(**) Item attempted in autonomous mission mode, but human intervention was needed and it got scored in autonomous flight mode.
IMAV 2014 Website
Visit the original IMAV 2014 website: http://www.imavs.org/2014/