IMAV2017 Proceedings
The best papers were published at the International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles Volume 10 Issue 3:Â
A. Panta, P. Petersen, S. Watkins, M. Marino, A. Mohamed, and A. Fisher, “Qualitative investigation of the dynamics of a leading edge control surfaces for micro air vehicle applications,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 1–8.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:a_panta_et_al, author = {Ashim Panta and Phred Petersen and Simon Watkins and Matthew Marino and Abdulghani Mohamed and A Fisher}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Qualitative Investigation of the Dynamics of a Leading Edge Control Surfaces for Micro Air Vehicle Applications}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {1--8}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
T. Désert, J. Moschetta, and H. Bezard, “Aerodynamic design of a martian micro air vehicle,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 9–16.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:t_desert_et_al, author = {Thibault D{\'e}sert and Jean-Marc Moschetta and Herv{\'e} Bezard}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Aerodynamic design of a Martian micro air vehicle}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {9--16}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
K. Stremousov and M. Arkhipov, “Study of ducted fans interference for copter type multirotor uav/rpas,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 17–22.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:k_stremousov_et_al, author = {Kirill Stremousov and Maxim Arkhipov}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Study of ducted fans interference for copter type multirotor UAV/RPAS}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {17--22}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
H. Nguyen, J. D. Miras, A. Charara, and S. Bonnet, “A numerical approach for attitude control of a quadrotor,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 23–28.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:h_nguyen_et_al, author = {Huu-Phuc Nguyen and J{\'e}rôme De Miras and Ali Charara and St{\'e}phane Bonnet}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {A numerical approach for attitude control of a quadrotor}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {23--28}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
Y. Briere, F. Pasquali, and N. Gavriovic, “Application of a switching control strategy to extract energy from turbulence by a uav,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 29–36.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:y_briere_et_al, author = {Yves Briere and Federico Pasquali and Nikola Gavriovic}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Application of a switching control strategy to extract energy from turbulence by a UAV}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {29--36}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
E. Smeur, D. Höppener, and C. De Wagter, “Prioritized control allocation for quadrotors subject to saturation,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 37–43.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:e_smeur_et_al, author = {Ewoud Smeur and Daan H{\"o}ppener and Christophe {De Wagter}}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Prioritized Control Allocation for Quadrotors Subject to Saturation}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {37--43}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
Z. Liu, C. Bu, X. Kong, and D. Yang, “Aeroacoustics investigation on nano coaxial rotor in hover,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 44–50.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:z_liu_et_al, author = {Zhen Liu and Chen Bu and Xiangxu Kong and Dong Yang}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Aeroacoustics investigation on nano coaxial rotor in hover}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {44--50}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
R. Serre, V. Chapin, J. Moschetta, and H. Fournier, “Reducing the noise of micro-air vehicles in hover,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 51–59.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:r_serre_et_al, author = {Ronan Serre and Vincent Chapin and Jean-Marc Moschetta and Hugo Fournier}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Reducing the noise of Micro-Air Vehicles in hover}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {51--59}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
N. Gourdain, T. Jardin, R. Serre, S. Prothin, and J. Moschetta, “Application of lattice boltzmann method to some challenges related to micro air vehicles,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 60–64.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:n_gourdain_et_al, author = {Nicolas Gourdain and Thierry Jardin and Ronan Serre and S{\'e}bastien Prothin and Jean-Marc Moschetta}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Application of Lattice Boltzmann Method to some challenges related to Micro Air Vehicles}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {60--64}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
J. Delamer, Y. Watanabe, and C. P. C. Chanel, “Towards a momdp model for uav safe path planning in urban environment,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 65–72.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:j_delamer_et_al, author = {Jean-Alexis Delamer and Yoko Watanabe and Caroline Ponzoni Carvalho Chanel}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Towards a MOMDP model for UAV safe path planning in urban environment}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {65--72}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
A. Rajaeizadeh, A. Naghash, and A. Mohamadifard, “Cooperative aerial payload transportation using two quadrotors,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 73–80.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:a_rajaeizadeh_et_al, author = {Ahmad Rajaeizadeh and Abolghasem Naghash and Alireza Mohamadifard}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Cooperative Aerial Payload Transportation Using Two Quadrotors}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {73--80}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
H. Nemati, A. Naghash, S. Mozafari, and A. Jamei, “Robust attitude control for quadrotors with external disturbances,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 81–88.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:h_nemati_et_al, author = {Hamidreza Nemati and Abolghasem Naghash and Saeid Mozafari and Ali Jamei}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Robust Attitude Control for Quadrotors with External Disturbances}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {81--88}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
N. A. S. Ortiz, S. Durand, R. Kiefer, and E. Laroche, “Controller tuning strategy for quadrotor mav carrying a cable-suspended load,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 89–96.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:n_ortiz_et_al, author = {Nestor Alonso Santos Ortiz and Sylvain Durand and Renaud Kiefer and Edouard Laroche}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Controller Tuning Strategy for Quadrotor MAV Carrying a Cable-suspended Load}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {89--96}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
M. Tognon and A. Franchi, “Landing and take-off on/from sloped and non-planar surfaces with more than 50 degrees of inclination,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 97–102.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:m_tognon_et_al, author = {Marco Tognon and Antonio Franchi}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Landing and Take-off on/from Sloped and Non-planar Surfaces with more than 50 Degrees of Inclination}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {97--102}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
E. Baskaya, M. Bronz, and D. Delahaye, “Flight simulation of a mako uav for use in data-driven fault diagnosis,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 103–110.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:e_baskaya_et_al, author = {Elgiz Baskaya and Murat Bronz and Daniel Delahaye}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Flight Simulation of a MAKO UAV for Use in Data-Driven Fault Diagnosis}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {103--110}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
E. van der Sman, E. Smeur, B. Remes, C. De Wagter, and Q. Chu, “Incremental nonlinear dynamic inversion and multihole pressure probes for disturbance rejection control of fixed-wing micro air vehicles,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 111–120.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:e_sman_et_al, author = {Elisabeth van der Sman and Ewoud Smeur and Bart Remes and Christophe {De Wagter} and Qiping Chu}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Incremental Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion and Multihole Pressure Probes for Disturbance Rejection Control of Fixed-wing Micro Air Vehicles}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {111--120}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
M. Molina, P. Frau, D. Maravall, J. L. Sanchez-Lopez, H. Bavle, and P. Campoy, “Human-robot cooperation in surface inspection aerial missions,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 121–128.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:m_molina_et_al, author = {Martin Molina and Pedro Frau and Dario Maravall and Jose Luis Sanchez-Lopez and Hriday Bavle and Pascual Campoy}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Human-Robot Cooperation in Surface Inspection Aerial Missions}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {121--128}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
H. Yu, S. Lin, J. Wang, K. Fu, and W. Yang, “An intelligent unmanned aircraft system for wilderness search and rescue,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 129–135.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:h_yu_et_al, author = {Huai Yu and Shijie Lin and Jinwang Wang and Kaimin Fu and Wen Yang}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {An Intelligent Unmanned Aircraft System for Wilderness Search and Rescue}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {129--135}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
E. Vanhoutte, F. Ruffier, and J. Serres, “A honeybee’s navigational toolkit on board a bio-inspired micro flying robot,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 136–142.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:e_vanhoutte_et_al, author = {Erik Vanhoutte and Franck Ruffier and Julien Serres}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {A honeybee's navigational toolkit on Board a Bio-inspired Micro Flying Robot}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {136--142}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
H. Lin and F. Defay, “Loosely coupled stereo inertial odometry on low-cost system,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 143–148.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:h_lin_et_al, author = {Haochih Lin and Fran{\c{c}}ois Defay}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Loosely Coupled Stereo Inertial Odometry on Low-cost System}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {143--148}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
M. El-Salamony and S. Serokhvostov, “Investigation on natural frequency and fuselage effect for small uavs lateral motion,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 149–155.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:m_elsalamony_et_al, author = {Mostafa El-Salamony and Sergey Serokhvostov}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Investigation on Natural Frequency and Fuselage Effect for Small UAVs Lateral Motion}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {149--155}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
L. R. Lustosa, J. M. O. Barth, J. Condomines, F. Defay, and J. Moschetta, “Team mavion entry in the imav’17 outdoor challenge – a tail-sitting trajectory-tracking uuav,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 156–161.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:l_lustosa_et_al, author = {Leandro R. Lustosa and Jacson Miguel Olszanecki Barth and Jean-Philippe Condomines and Fran{\c{c}}ois Defay and Jean-Marc Moschetta}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Team MAVion entry in the IMAV'17 outdoor challenge -- A tail-sitting trajectory-tracking uUAV}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {156--161}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
Y. Beyer, T. Krüger, A. Krüger, M. Steen, and P. Hecker, “Simulation and control of a tandem tiltwing rpas without experimental data,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 162–169.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:y_beyer_et_al, author = {Yannic Beyer and Thomas Kr{\"u}ger and Arne Kr{\"u}ger and Meiko Steen and Peter Hecker}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Simulation and Control of a Tandem TiltWing RPAS Without Experimental Data}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {162--169}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
S. Watkins, M. Abdulghani, S. Prudden, M. Marino, R. Clothier, A. Fisher, and A. Panta, “Using mavs for atmospheric wind measurements: opportunities and challenges,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 170–174.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:s_watkins_et_al, author = {Simon Watkins and Mohamed Abdulghani and Sam Prudden and Matthew Marino and Reece Clothier and Alex Fisher and Ashim Panta}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Using MAVs for Atmospheric Wind Measurements: Opportunities and Challenges}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {170--174}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
N. Gavrilovic, M. Bronz, J. Moschetta, E. Benard, and P. Pastor, “Bio-inspired wind field estimation-part 1: aoa measurements through surface pressure distribution,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 175–183.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:n_gavrilovic_et_al, author = {Nikola Gavrilovic and Murat Bronz and Jean-Marc Moschetta and Emmanuel Benard and Philippe Pastor}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Bio-inspired Wind Field Estimation-Part 1: AoA Measurements Through Surface Pressure Distribution}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {175--183}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
R. Gigacz, A. Mohamed, P. Poksawat, S. Watkins, and A. Panta, “Developing a stable small uas for operation in turbulent urban environments,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 184–189.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:r_gigacz_et_al, author = {Rohan Gigacz and Abdulghani Mohamed and Pakorn Poksawat and Simon Watkins and Ashim Panta}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Developing a Stable Small UAS for Operation in Turbulent Urban Environments}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {184--189}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
C. Chauffaut, L. Burlion, F. Defay, and H. de Plinval, “Collision avoidance of multiple mavs using a multiple outputs to input saturation technique,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 190–195.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:c_chauffaut_et_al, author = {Corentin Chauffaut and Laurent Burlion and Fran{\c{c}}ois Defay and Henry de Plinval}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Collision Avoidance of multiple MAVs using a multiple Outputs to Input Saturation Technique}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {190--195}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
R. Braga, A. C. B. Ramos, R. C. D. Silva, and F. Mora-Camino, “A combined approach for 3d formation control in a multi-uav system using ros,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 196–202.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:r_braga_et_al, author = {Rafael Braga and Alexandre Carlos Brandao Ramos and Roberto Claudino Da Silva and F{\'e}lix Mora-Camino}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {A Combined Approach for 3D Formation Control in a Multi-UAV System using ROS}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {196--202}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
H. G. de Marina and G. Hattenberger, “Distributed circular formation flight of fixed-wing aircraft with paparazzi autopilot,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 203–208.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:h_marina_et_al, author = {Hector Garcia de Marina and Gautier Hattenberger}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Distributed circular formation flight of fixed-wing aircraft with Paparazzi autopilot}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {203--208}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
T. Cunis and M. Bronz, “Edura: an evolvable demonstrator for upset recovery approaches with a 3d-printed launcher,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 209–214.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:t_cunis_et_al, author = {Torbj\orn Cunis and Murat Bronz}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {EDURA: an Evolvable Demonstrator for Upset Recovery Approaches with a 3D-printed Launcher}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {209--214}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
F. Yacef, N. Rizoug, O. Bouhali, and M. Hamerlain, “Optimization of energy consumption for quadrotor uav,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 215–222.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:f_yacef_et_al, author = {Fouad Yacef and Nassim Rizoug and Omar Bouhali and Mustapha Hamerlain}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Optimization of Energy Consumption for Quadrotor UAV}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {215--222}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
Z. Li, M. Lao, S. K. Phang, M. R. A. Hamid, K. Z. Tang, and F. Lin, “Development and design methodology of an anti-vibration system on micro-uavs,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 223–228.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:z_li_et_al, author = {Zhenming Li and Mingjie Lao and Swee King Phang and Mohamed Redhwan Abdul Hamid and Kok Zuea Tang and Feng Lin}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Development and Design Methodology of an Anti-Vibration System on Micro-UAVs}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {223--228}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
A. Kislovskiy and V. Vyshinsky, “Quick aerodynamic design of micro air vehicles,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 229–234.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:a_kislovskiy_et_al, author = {Atem Kislovskiy and Viktor Vyshinsky}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Quick aerodynamic design of micro air vehicles}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {229--234}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
B. Makaev and S. Serokhvostov, “Copter size minimization for the imav-2017 competition in record breaking session,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 235–241.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:b_makaev_et_al, author = {Boris Makaev and Sergey Serokhvostov}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Copter size minimization for the IMAV-2017 competition in Record breaking session}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {235--241}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
L. A. Doan, S. Grondel, E. Cattan, and C. Delebarre, “Bond graph based design tool for a passive rotation flapping wing,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 242–248.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:l_doan_et_al, author = {Le Anh Doan and Sebastien Grondel and Eric Cattan and Christophe Delebarre}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Bond Graph based design tool for a passive rotation flapping wing}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {242--248}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
C. De Wagter, M. Karásek, and G. de Croon, “Quad-thopter: tailless flapping wing robot with 4 pairs of wings,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 249–256.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:c_wagter_et_al, author = {Christophe {De Wagter} and Matej Kar{\'a}sek and Guido de Croon}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Quad-thopter: Tailless Flapping Wing Robot with 4 Pairs of Wings}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {249--256}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
N. Krajangsawasdi, T. Pantuphag, S. Catteeyothai, and C. Thipyopas, “Analysis of folding wing rolling moment,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 257–262.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:n_krajangsawasdi_et_al, author = {N Krajangsawasdi and T Pantuphag and S Catteeyothai and Chinnapat Thipyopas}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Analysis of Folding Wing Rolling Moment}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {257--262}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
H. Qin, Y. Bi, F. Lin, and B. M. Chen, “Development of vision based navigation for micro aerial vehicles in harsh environment,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 263–269.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:h_qin_et_al, author = {Hailong Qin and Yingcai Bi and Feng Lin and Ben M Chen}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Development of Vision Based Navigation for Micro Aerial Vehicles in Harsh Environment}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {263--269}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
V. Strobel, R. Meertens, and G. de Croon, “Efficient global indoor localization for micro aerial vehicles,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 270–277.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:v_strobel_et_al, author = {Volker Strobel and Roland Meertens and Guido de Croon}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Efficient Global Indoor Localization for Micro Aerial Vehicles}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {270--277}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
A. Abduldayem, D. Gan, L. Seneviratne, and T. Taha, “3d reconstruction of complex structures with online profiling and adaptive viewpoint sampling,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 278–285.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:a_abduldayem_et_al, author = {Abdullah Abduldayem and Dongming Gan and Lakmal Seneviratne and Tarek Taha}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {3D Reconstruction of Complex Structures with Online Profiling and Adaptive Viewpoint Sampling}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {278--285}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
M. Bobbe, A. Kern, Y. Khedar, S. Batzdorfer, and U. Bestmann, “An automated rapid mapping solution based on orbslam and agisoft photoscan api,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 286–292.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:m_bobbe_et_al, author = {Markus Bobbe and Alexander Kern and Yogesh Khedar and Simon Batzdorfer and Ulf Bestmann}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {An Automated Rapid Mapping Solution Based on ORBSLAM and Agisoft Photoscan API}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {286--292}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
L. Teperin, M. El-Salamony, A. Moharam, and M. Shehata, “Investigation on boundary layer ingestion propulsion for uavs,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 293–300.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:l_teperin_et_al, author = {Leonid Teperin and Mostafa El-Salamony and Ahmed Moharam and Moamen Shehata}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Investigation on Boundary layer Ingestion Propulsion for UAVs}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {293--300}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
F. Boyer, A. Drapier, Y. Merillac, C. Nana, and R. Serré, “Multidisciplinary optimization of a mav propeller for noise reduction,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 301–306.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:f_boyer_et_al, author = {Franck Boyer and Arnaud Drapier and Yann Merillac and Cyril Nana and Ronan Serr{\'e}}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Multidisciplinary optimization of a MAV propeller for noise reduction}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {301--306}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
C. Molter and P. W. Cheng, “Propeller performance calculation for multirotor aircraft at forward flight conditions and validation with wind tunnel measurements,” in International micro air vehicle conference and flight competition 2017, Toulouse, France, 2017, p. 307–315.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2017:c_molter_et_al, author = {Christian Molter and Po Wen Cheng}, editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval}, title = {Propeller Performance Calculation for Multirotor Aircraft at Forward Flight Conditions and Validation with Wind Tunnel Measurements}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep}, day = {18-22}, booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pages = {307--315}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
IMAV2017 Awards
- INSTINCT COUGAR – National University of Singapore
- AKAMAV – Technischen Universität Braunschweig
- FLY EAGLE – Beijing Institute of Technology
- INSTINCT COUGAR – National University of Singapore
- CVAR-UPM – Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Team Parade Trophy
- ENAC – Ecole National de l’Avioation Civile
Treasure Hunt Challenge
Record Breaking Challenge
- RMIT – RMIT University
Virtual Challenge
- AUTMAV – Tehran Polytechnic
Special Prize: System
Special Prize: Design
- MIP – Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Best Paper Award
author = {Christophe {De Wagter} and Matej Kar{\'a}sek and Guido de Croon},
editor = {J.-M. Moschetta, G. Hattenberger, H. de Plinval},
title = {Quad-thopter: Tailless Flapping Wing Robot with 4 Pairs of Wings},
year = {2017},
month = {Sep},
day = {18-22},
booktitle = {International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition 2017},
address = {Toulouse, France},
pages = {249--256},
pdf = {},
url = {}
IMAV 2017 Website
Please visit the IMAV2017 website:
IMAV2017 Call for Papers and Competition Rules
Please find the Call for Papers for the IMAV2017 Conference that will be held in Toulouse, France, from September 18th to 22nd.
The preliminary rules for the Competition are also available. There will be both an indoor and outdoor event, plus several awards and special challenges, including a virtual competition.
Please visit the IMAV2017 website:
IMAV 2017 Announcement
IMAV 2017 will be held in Toulouse – France and is organized by ENAC and ISAE. Many new aspects were announced like collaboration and treasure hunt.
Please visit the IMAV2017 website:
You can still download the initial IMAV2017 announcement presentation.
Also read:Â article