IMAV2019 Announcement
IMAV2019 will kindly be hosted in Madrid, SPAIN! Stay tuned for the Call-For-Papers and the Competition rules!
- Location: Madrid – Spain
- Proposed date: Sept 30th – Oct
4th 2019 - Website:
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IMAV 2018 Awards
IMAV2018 Proceedings
or find the individual papers below
J. Meulenbeld, C. D. Wagter, and B. Remes, “Modeling delftacopter from flight test data,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 18–29.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:j_meulenbeld_et_al, author = {Joost Meulenbeld and Christophe De Wagter and Bart Remes}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Modeling DelftaCopter from Flight Test Data}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {18--29}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
C. D. Wagter, B. Remes, R. Ruijsink, E. van der Horst, F. van Tienen, D. van Wijngaarden, J. Meulenbeld, and K. van Hecke, “Delftacopter propulsion optimization from hover to fast forward flight using windtunnel measurements,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 30–38.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:c_wagter_et_al, author = {Christophe De Wagter and Bart Remes and Rick Ruijsink and Erik van der Horst and Freek van Tienen and Denis van Wijngaarden and Joost Meulenbeld and Kevin van Hecke}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {DelftaCopter Propulsion Optimization from Hover to Fast Forward Flight using Windtunnel Measurements}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {30--38}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
L. D. de Jesus, A. R. Brandão, C. S. F. de Duarte, and F. Mora-Camino, “Increased autonomy for uav using solar panels and take advantage of updrafts through algorithm,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 39–44.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:l_jesus_et_al, author = {Leandro Diniz de Jesus and Alexandre Ramos Brand{\~a}o and Caique de S. F. Duarte and Felix Mora-Camino}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Increased autonomy for UAV using solar panels and take advantage of updrafts through algorithm}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {39--44}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
A. Medina and M. Rockwood, “On the response of leading-edge phenomena and near-wake formations to trailing-edge flap actuation,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 45–53.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:a_medina_et_al, author = {Albert Medina and Matthew Rockwood}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {On the Response of Leading-Edge Phenomena and Near-Wake Formations to Trailing-Edge Flap Actuation}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {45--53}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
S. Lai, M. Lan, and B. M. Chen, “Safe corridor based task interface for quadrotors,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 54–59.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:s_lai_et_al, author = {Shupeng Lai and Menglu Lan and Ben M. Chen}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Safe corridor based task interface for quadrotors}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {54--59}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
M. Lefebvre, R. Kiefer, M. Vedrines, and H. Chibane, “Carbon fibre/pvc foam sandwich composite modelization for mavs & long range drones structures,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 60–65.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:m_lefebvre_et_al, author = {Martin Lefebvre and Renaud Kiefer and Marc Vedrines and Hicham Chibane}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Carbon fibre/PVC foam sandwich composite modelization for MAVs \& long range drones structures}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {60--65}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
T. R. da Costa, M. P. Caldas, P. M. N. de Araújo, and E. C. da Silva, “Topological optimization applied towards thedevelopment of a small and lightweight mav composite frame,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 66–71.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:t_costa_et_al, author = {Thiago Rodrigues da Costa and Marcos Pereira Caldas and Pablo Milheiro Novaes de Ara{\'u}jo and Eduardo Costa da Silva}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Topological Optimization applied towards thedevelopment of a small and lightweight MAV composite frame}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {66--71}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
I. Kim, H. Park, S. Kim, J. Suk, and S. Cho, “Disturbance observer based control design of flapping-wing mav considering model uncertainties,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 72–80.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:i_kim_et_al, author = {Inrae Kim and Heetae Park and Seungkeun Kim and Jinyoung Suk and Sungbong Cho}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Disturbance observer based Control Design of Flapping-wing MAV Considering Model Uncertainties}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {72--80}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
S. L. Nam, S. Aurecianus, H. V. Phan, T. Kang, and H. C. Park, “Experimental study on the phase delay of low-cost imu, low pass, and kalman filter and its effect on the phase margin of angle estimation,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 81–85.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:s_nam_et_al, author = {Seong Lok Nam and Steven Aurecianus and Hoang Vu Phan and Taesam Kang and Hoon Cheol Park}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Experimental study on the phase delay of low-cost IMU, low pass, and Kalman filter and its effect on the phase margin of angle estimation}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {81--85}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
F. Binz, T. Islam, and D. Moormann, “Attitude control of tiltwing aircraft using a wing-fixed coordinate system and incremental nonlinear dynamic inversion,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 86–93.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:f_binz_et_al, author = {Fabian Binz and Tobias Islam and Dieter Moormann}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Attitude Control of Tiltwing Aircraft Using a Wing-Fixed Coordinate System and Incremental Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {86--93}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
A. Lopez, J. Martinez, and I. Cruz, “Towards micro aerial manipulation using a computational compensation strategy,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 94–99.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:a_lopez_et_al, author = {Aaron Lopez and Jos{\'e} Martinez and Israel Cruz}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Towards Micro Aerial Manipulation Using a Computational Compensation Strategy}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {94--99}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
T. o and E. Baskaya, “Performance of unmanned aircrafts in the event of loss-of-control,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 100–105.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:t_cunis_et_al, author = {Torbj{\o}rn Cunis and Elgiz Baskaya}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Performance of Unmanned Aircrafts in the Event of Loss-of-control}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {100--105}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
J. Cox and K. C. Wong, “Predictive feedback augmentation for manual control of a uav with latency,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 106–113.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:j_cox_et_al, author = {Jeremy Cox and K.C. Wong}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Predictive Feedback Augmentation for Manual Control of a UAV with Latency}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {106--113}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
S. Kim, M. Kim, S. Kim, and J. Suk, “Design, fabrication, and flight test of articulated ornithopter,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 114–119.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:s_kim_et_al, author = {Seongyoung Kim and Myungkang Kim and Seungkeun Kim and Jinyoung Suk}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Design, Fabrication, and Flight Test of Articulated Ornithopter}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {114--119}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
D. Olejnik, A. Sujit, M. Karasek, B. Remes, and G. de Croon, “Wing sweeping mechanism for active control and stabilisation of a flapping wing mav,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 120–126.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:d_olejnik_et_al, author = {Diana Olejnik and Aadithya Sujit and Matej Karasek and Bart Remes and Guido de Croon}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Wing Sweeping Mechanism for Active Control and Stabilisation of a Flapping Wing MAV}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {120--126}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
J. Lee, J. Han, and J. Han, “Forward flight control analysis of bioinspired flapping-wing micro air vehicle,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 127–132.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:j_lee_et_al, author = {Jong-Wan Lee and Jong-Seob Han and Jae-Hung Han}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Forward Flight Control Analysis of Bioinspired Flapping-Wing Micro Air Vehicle}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {127--132}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
Z. Liu, P. Che, T. Dang, J. Li, and C. Bu, “Propulsion performance investigation of bio-inspired nano rotor base on fluid-structure interaction,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 133–143.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:z_liu_et_al, author = {Zhen Liu and Penglei Che and Tianjiao Dang and Jun Li and Chen Bu}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Propulsion Performance Investigation of Bio-inspired Nano Rotor Base on Fluid-Structure Interaction}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {133--143}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
L. Li, H. Zhou, J. Yang, and Y. Mao, “Force-directed formation and guidance for large scale swarming system of micro air vehicles,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 144–149.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:l_li_et_al, author = {Longjiang Li and Hongmei Zhou and Jianjun Yang and Yuming Mao}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Force-directed formation and guidance for large scale swarming system of micro air vehicles}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {144--149}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
A. Cabarbaye, T. Verdu, J. M. O. Barth, and G. Hattenberger, “Accurate control law for low-cost uav,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 150–159.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:a_cabarbaye_et_al, author = {Aurelien Cabarbaye and Titouan Verdu and Jacson Miguel Olszanecki Barth and Gautier Hattenberger}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Accurate control law for low-cost UAV}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {150--159}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
S. Prothin, C. F. Escudero, T. Jardin, and N. Doué, “Archean: aerodynamics of rotors in confined environments – study in ground and corner effect,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 160–173.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:s_prothin_et_al, author = {Sebastien Prothin and Claudia Fernandez Escudero and Thierry Jardin and Nicolas Dou{\'e}}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {ARChEaN: Aerodynamics of Rotors in Confined ENvironments - Study in Ground and Corner Effect}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {160--173}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
N. L. Oo, N. Kay, A. Brenkley, and R. Sharma, “Investigation into the behaviour of an iced low reynolds number aerofoil,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 174–179.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:n_oo_et_al, author = {Nay Lin Oo and Nicholas Kay and Angus Brenkley and Rajnish Sharma}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Investigation into the behaviour of an iced low Reynolds number aerofoil}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {174--179}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
P. Yu, D. Ho, and K. C. Wong, “An adaptable indoor flight test implementation for small uavs,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 180–185.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:p_yu_et_al, author = {Pengfei Yu and Derrick Ho and K.C. Wong}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {An Adaptable Indoor Flight Test Implementation for small UAVs}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {180--185}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
T. Kim, H. Mo, S. Kim, and J. Suk, “Simulation & flight test of ducted-fan uavs for formation flight,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 186–191.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:t_kim_et_al, author = {Taegyun Kim and Hyemin Mo and Seungkeun Kim and Jinyoung Suk}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Simulation \& Flight Test of Ducted-fan UAVs for Formation Flight}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {186--191}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
H. V. Phan, S. Aurecianus, T. Kang, and H. C. Park, “Attitude control mechanism in an insect-like tailless two-winged flying robot by simultaneous modulation of stroke plane and wing twist,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 192–197.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:h_phan_et_al, author = {Hoang Vu Phan and Steven Aurecianus and Taesam Kang and Hoon Cheol Park}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Attitude Control Mechanism in an Insect-like Tailless Two-winged Flying Robot by Simultaneous Modulation of Stroke Plane and Wing Twist}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {192--197}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
K. L. Au and H. C. Park, “Aerodynamics during forward flight of a tailless flapping-wing micro air vehicle,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 198–203.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:k_au_et_al, author = {Kim Loan Au and Hoon Cheol Park}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Aerodynamics during forward flight of a tailless flapping-wing micro air vehicle}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {198--203}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
T. Jardin, S. Prothin, P. Barricau, and J. Frutos, “Development of a 200 mg bio-inspired nano-flying robot,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 204–210.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:t_jardin_et_al, author = {Thierry Jardin and Sebastien Prothin and Philippe Barricau and Jean-Renaud Frutos}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Development of a 200 mg bio-inspired nano-flying robot}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {204--210}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
G. Ise, D. Yoda, C. Takiguchi, N. Shigematsu, T. Shiratori, H. Nakano, W. Jeon, T. Nozawa, K. Iwashiro, T. Nishino, T. Munakata, and T. Watanabe, “Controlling the aerial posture of a flapping-wing micro air vehicle by shifting its centre of gravity,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 211–215.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:g_ise_et_al, author = {Gakuki Ise and Daiki Yoda and Chinami Takiguchi and Naoya Shigematsu and Tomohiro Shiratori and Hisami Nakano and Woojae Jeon and Taichi Nozawa and Kei Iwashiro and Takumi Nishino and Toshiatsu Munakata and Takanobu Watanabe}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Controlling The Aerial Posture of a Flapping-wing Micro Air Vehicle by Shifting Its Centre of Gravity}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {211--215}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
S. Aurecianus, H. V. Phan, S. L. Nam, T. Kang, and H. C. Park, “Flapping wing micro air vehicle (fw-mav) state estimation and control with heading and altitude hold,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 216–221.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:s_aurecianus_et_al, author = {Steven Aurecianus and Hoang Vu Phan and Seong Lok Nam and Taesam Kang and Hoon Cheol Park}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Flapping Wing Micro Air Vehicle (FW-MAV) State Estimation and Control with Heading and Altitude Hold}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {216--221}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
M. Heinold and C. J. Kähler, “Aerodynamic investigation of the free flapping flight of a saker falcon using a 3d multi-view reconstruction method,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 222–236.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:m_heinold_et_al, author = {Martin Heinold and Christian J. K{\"a}hler}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Aerodynamic investigation of the free flapping flight of a Saker falcon using a 3D multi-view reconstruction method}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {222--236}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
G. Hattenberger, “Precision landing for fixed-wing uav using ultra-wide-band ranging,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 237–242.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:g_hattenberger_et_al, author = {Gautier Hattenberger}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Precision Landing for Fixed-wing UAV using Ultra-Wide-Band Ranging}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {237--242}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
O. L. Rojas-Perez, R. Munguia-Silva, and J. Martinez-Carranza, “Real-time landing zone detection for uavs using single aerial images,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 243–248.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:l_rojasperez_et_al, author = {L. Oyuki Rojas-Perez and Roberto Munguia-Silva and Jos{\'e} Martinez-Carranza}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Real-Time Landing Zone Detection for UAVs using Single Aerial Images}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {243--248}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
G. Dorrington, “On the scaling of dragonflies,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 249–255.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:g_dorrington_et_al, author = {Graham Dorrington}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {On the Scaling of Dragonflies}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {249--255}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
Z. Wang and K. C. Wong, “Autonomous bird deterrent system for vineyards using multiple bio-inspired unmanned aerial vehicle,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 256–261.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:z_wang_et_al, author = {Zihao Wang and K.C. Wong}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Autonomous Bird Deterrent System for Vineyards using Multiple Bio-inspired Unmanned Aerial Vehicle}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {256--261}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
L. de Rijk, S. Beedie, and K. Stol, “Precision weed spraying using a multirotor uav,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 262–267.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:l_rijk_et_al, author = {Lucas de Rijk and Seumas Beedie and Karl Stol}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Precision Weed Spraying using a Multirotor UAV}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {262--267}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
L. Ribeiro, C. S. F. de Duarte, A. Ramos, and F. Mora-Camino, “Visual servo control in quadrotor for power line tracking,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 268–272.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:l_ribeiro_et_al, author = {Luciano Ribeiro and Caique de S. F. Duarte and Alexandre Ramos and Felix Mora-Camino}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Visual Servo Control in Quadrotor for Power Line Tracking}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {268--272}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
C. Andrikopoulou, S. L. Calvé, C. Sutter, F. Noël, A. Rodríguez-Cuevas, I. Lara-Ibeas, R. Kiefer, M. Vedrines, T. Pavot, M. Lefebvre, J. Ettrich, W. Schröder, S. Junk, and S. Schrock, “Mav payload: an air-quality monitoring system for integration inside a drone,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 273–276.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:c_andrikopoulou_et_al, author = {Christina Andrikopoulou and St{\'e}phane Le Calv{\'e} and Christophe Sutter and Florian No{\"e}l and Alberto Rodr{\'i}guez-Cuevas and Irene Lara-Ibeas and Renaud Kiefer and Marc Vedrines and Thomas Pavot and Martin Lefebvre and J{\"o}rg Ettrich and Werner Schr{\"o}der and Stefan Junk and Steffen Schrock}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {MAV payload: An air-quality monitoring system for integration inside a drone}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {273--276}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
L. González-Guzmán and J. Martinez-Carranza, “Automatic combination of line and point descriptors for thermal aerial image mosaicing,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 277–282.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:l_gonzalezguzman_et_al, author = {Luis Gonz{\'a}lez-Guzm{\'a}n and Jos{\'e} Martinez-Carranza}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Automatic Combination of Line and Point Descriptors for Thermal Aerial Image Mosaicing}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {277--282}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
R. Parlange, J. Martinez-Carranza, L. E. Sucar, and B. Ren, “Vision-based autonomous navigation for wind turbine inspection using an unmanned aerial vehicle,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 283–288.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:r_parlange_et_al, author = {Ren{\'e} Parlange and Jos{\'e} Martinez-Carranza and Luis Enrique Sucar and Beibei Ren}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Vision-based Autonomous Navigation for Wind Turbine Inspection using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {283--288}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
T. Braber, C. D. Wagter, G. de Croon, and R. Babuska, “Optical-flow-based stabilization of micro air vehicles without scaling sensors,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 289–297.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:t_braber_et_al, author = {Titus Braber and Christophe De Wagter and Guido de Croon and Robert Babuska}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Optical-flow-based Stabilization of Micro Air Vehicles Without Scaling Sensors}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {289--297}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
P. Wang, Z. Gao, H. Qin, M. T. Aung, X. Cheng, M. Lao, F. Lin, and S. H. R. Teo, “Real-time disparity map reconstruction with on-board fpga by semi-global matching and weighted least square filtering,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 298–302.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:p_wang_et_al, author = {Pengfei Wang and Zhi Gao and Hailong Qin and Myo Tun Aung and Xudong Cheng and Mingjie Lao and Feng Lin and Swee Huat Rodney Teo}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Real-time Disparity Map Reconstruction with On-board FPGA by Semi-global Matching and Weighted Least Square Filtering}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {298--302}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
B. Park and H. Oh, “Obstacle avoidance for uavs via imitation learning from human data with 3d-convolutional neural networks,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 303–308.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:b_park_et_al, author = {Bumsoo Park and Hyondong Oh}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Obstacle Avoidance for UAVs via Imitation Learning from Human Data with 3D-Convolutional Neural Networks}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {303--308}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
M. F. S. da Neto, G. S. Eduardo, E. C. da Silva, and W. Caarls, “Computer vision based solutions for mav target detection and flight control,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 309–314.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:m_neto_et_al, author = {Manoel Feliciano da Silva Neto and Guilherme Siqueira Eduardo and Eduardo Costa da Silva and Wouter Caarls}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Computer Vision Based Solutions for MAV Target Detection and Flight Control}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {309--314}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
B. P. Duisterhof and G. de Croon, “Autonomous landing algorithm using a sun position predicting model for extended use of solar powered uavs,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 315–323.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:b_duisterhof_et_al, author = {B.P. Duisterhof and Guido de Croon}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Autonomous landing algorithm using a sun position predicting model for extended use of solar powered UAVs}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {315--323}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
K. Amancio, G. Pìnheiro, L. Teixeira, and C. S. F. de Duarte, “Enabling intelligent and autonomous drones using embedded linux,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 324–327.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:k_amancio_et_al, author = {Kelvin Amancio and Gabriel P{\`i}nheiro and Lucas Teixeira and Caique de S. F. Duarte}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Enabling Intelligent and Autonomous Drones Using Embedded Linux}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {324--327}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
S. Morrison, A. Fisher, and F. Zambetta, “Towards intelligent aircraft through deep reinforcement learning,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 328–335.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:s_morrison_et_al, author = {Sean Morrison and Alex Fisher and Fabio Zambetta}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Towards Intelligent Aircraft Through Deep Reinforcement Learning}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {328--335}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
H. Jeaong, S. Jo, S. Kim, J. Suk, and Y. Lee, “Simulation and flight experiment of a quadrotor using disturbance observer based control,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 336–347.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:h_jeaong_et_al, author = {Hoijo Jeaong and Seunghwan Jo and Seungkeun Kim and Jinyoung Suk and Yung-Gyo Lee}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Simulation and Flight Experiment of a Quadrotor Using Disturbance Observer Based Control}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {336--347}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
R. L. S. M. de Vilela, H. P. Saraiva, E. S. P. de Lopes, R. C. M. Pires, and E. C. da Silva, “Influence of the target material and disturbance sources in the accuracy of distance sensors for mav applications,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 348–353.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:r_vilela_et_al, author = {Renan de Lima Sim{\~o}es Mondego Vilela and Henrique Pinheiro Saraiva and Erico de Souza Prado Lopes and Rodrigo Camargo Martins Pires and Eduardo Costa da Silva}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Influence of the Target Material and Disturbance Sources in the Accuracy of Distance Sensors for MAV Applications}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {348--353}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
N. Long, S. Watkins, J. Moschetta, and V. Bonnin, “Bio-inspired regenerative flight trajectory optimisation over flat topography,” in 10th international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2018, p. 354–359.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2018:n_long_et_al, author = {Nathan Long and Simon Watkins and Jean-Marc Moschetta and Vincent Bonnin}, editor = {S. Watkins}, title = {Bio-inspired Regenerative Flight Trajectory Optimisation Over Flat Topography}, year = {2018}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-23}, booktitle = {10th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {354--359}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
IMAV 2018 Photos
IMAV2018 Announcement
IMAV2018 will be held in Melbourne, Australia and will be hosted by RMIT from November 17th to 23rd.
The indoor and outdoor competitions are set up to highlight the following areas:
● Aircraft efficiency and innovative designs
● Light and small MAVs
● Autonomy and image processing
● Stability in turbulence
● Multi-MAV cooperation