The call for papers and dates of IMAV2022 have been published. Check it out at
IMAV2021 Publications
Please find the proceedings of IMAV2021 below. Please make sure to also have a look at the preface, the story of the logo, the keynote abstracts, list of authors, and best paper awards (Edited by Jose Martinez-Carranza): – November the 19th of 2021 –
Preface of the IMAV2021 Proceedings
Click here to download the full proceedings,
or find the individual papers below:
J. Martinez-Carranza, “12$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference,” in 12$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Puebla, México, 2021, p. 1–20.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2021-1:preface, author = {Jose Martinez-Carranza}, title = {12$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, year = {2021}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-19}, booktitle = {12$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Puebla, M\'{e}xico}, pages = {1--20}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
D. van Wijngaarden, E. Smeur, and B. Remes, “Flight code convergence: fixedwing, rotorcraft, hybrid,” in 12$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Puebla, México, 2021, p. 21–27.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2021-1:d_wijngaarden_et_al, author = {Dennis van Wijngaarden and Ewoud Smeur and Bart Remes}, editor = {Jose Martinez-Carranza}, title = {Flight Code Convergence: Fixedwing, Rotorcraft, Hybrid}, year = {2021}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-19}, booktitle = {12$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Puebla, M\'{e}xico}, pages = {21--27}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2021-1}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
S. Li, C. D. Wagter, and G. de Croon, “Nonlinear model predictive control for improving range-based relative localization by maximizing observability,” in 12$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Puebla, México, 2021, p. 28–34.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2021-2:s_li_et_al, author = {Shushuai Li and Christophe De Wagter and Guido de Croon}, editor = {Jose Martinez-Carranza}, title = {Nonlinear model predictive control for improving range-based relative localization by maximizing observability}, year = {2021}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-19}, booktitle = {12$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Puebla, M\'{e}xico}, pages = {28--34}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2021-2}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
M. Bos, B. Theys, J. Swevers, and G. Pipeleers, “Modeling and identification of multirotor drone dynamics for onboard mpc motion planning,” in 12$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Puebla, México, 2021, p. 35–41.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2021-3:m_bos_et_al, author = {Mathias Bos and Bart Theys and Jan Swevers and Goele Pipeleers}, editor = {Jose Martinez-Carranza}, title = {Modeling and Identification of Multirotor Drone Dynamics for Onboard MPC Motion Planning}, year = {2021}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-19}, booktitle = {12$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Puebla, M\'{e}xico}, pages = {35--41}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2021-3}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
E. Vroon, J. Rojer, and G. de Croon, “Motion-based mav detection in gps-denied environments,” in 12$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Puebla, México, 2021, p. 42–49.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2021-4:e_vroon_et_al, author = {Erik Vroon and Jim Rojer and Guido de Croon}, editor = {Jose Martinez-Carranza}, title = {Motion-based MAV Detection in GPS-denied Environments}, year = {2021}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-19}, booktitle = {12$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Puebla, M\'{e}xico}, pages = {42--49}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2021-4}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
M. Fernandez-Cortizas, P. Santamaría, D. Perez-Saura, J. Rodríguez-Vázquez, M. Molina, and P. Campoy, “Framework and evaluation methodology for autonomous drone racing,” in 12$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Puebla, México, 2021, p. 50–56.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2021-5:m_fernandezcortizas_et_al, author = {Miguel Fernandez-Cortizas and Pablo Santamar{\'i}a and David Perez-Saura and Javier Rodr{\'i}guez-V{\'a}zquez and Martin Molina and Pascual Campoy}, editor = {Jose Martinez-Carranza}, title = {Framework and evaluation methodology for Autonomous Drone Racing}, year = {2021}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-19}, booktitle = {12$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Puebla, M\'{e}xico}, pages = {50--56}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2021-5}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
D. Olivares-Figueroa, I. Cruz-Vega, J. M. Ramírez-Cortes, M. P. del Gómez-Gil, and J. Martínez-Carranza, “A compact approach for emotional assessment of drone pilots using bci,” in 12$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Puebla, México, 2021, p. 57–62.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2021-6:d_olivaresfigueroa_et_al, author = {Daniel Olivares-Figueroa and Israel Cruz-Vega and Juan Manuel Ram{\'i}rez-Cortes and Mar{\'i}a del Pilar G{\'o}mez-Gil and Jos{\'e} Mart{\'i}nez-Carranza}, editor = {Jose Martinez-Carranza}, title = {A Compact Approach for Emotional Assessment of Drone Pilots using BCI}, year = {2021}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-19}, booktitle = {12$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Puebla, M\'{e}xico}, pages = {57--62}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2021-6}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
H. G. de Marina, M. Bronz, and G. Hattenberger, “Guiding vector fields in paparazzi autopilot,” in 12$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Puebla, México, 2021, p. 63–67.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2021-7:h_marina_et_al, author = {Hector Garcia de Marina and Murat Bronz and Gautier Hattenberger}, editor = {Jose Martinez-Carranza}, title = {Guiding vector fields in Paparazzi autopilot}, year = {2021}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-19}, booktitle = {12$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Puebla, M\'{e}xico}, pages = {63--67}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2021-7}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
A. Lopez, H. R. Cortés, I. C. Vega, and J. Martínez-Carranza, “Immersion and invariance based trajectory tracking control of an aerial manipulation system,” in 12$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Puebla, México, 2021, p. 68–73.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2021-8:a_lopez_et_al, author = {Aaron Lopez and Hugo Rodr{\'i}guez Cort{\'e}s and Israel Cruz Vega and Jos{\'e} Mart{\'i}nez-Carranza}, editor = {Jose Martinez-Carranza}, title = {Immersion and Invariance Based Trajectory Tracking Control of an Aerial Manipulation System}, year = {2021}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-19}, booktitle = {12$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Puebla, M\'{e}xico}, pages = {68--73}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2021-8}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
J. Karssies and C. D. Wagter, “Extended incremental non-linear control allocation on the tu delft quadplane,” in 12$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Puebla, México, 2021, p. 74–84.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2021-9:j_karssies_et_al, author = {Jan Karssies and Christophe De Wagter}, editor = {Jose Martinez-Carranza}, title = {Extended Incremental Non-linear Control Allocation on the TU Delft Quadplane}, year = {2021}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-19}, booktitle = {12$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Puebla, M\'{e}xico}, pages = {74--84}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2021-9}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
G. Gonzalez, G. de Croon, D. Olejnik, and M. Karázek, “Position controller for a flapping wing drone using uwb,” in 12$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Puebla, México, 2021, p. 85–92.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2021-10:g_gonzalez_et_al, author = {Guillermo Gonzalez and Guido de Croon and Diana Olejnik and Mat?j Kar{\'a}zek}, editor = {Jose Martinez-Carranza}, title = {Position controller for a flapping wing drone using UWB}, year = {2021}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-19}, booktitle = {12$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Puebla, M\'{e}xico}, pages = {85--92}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2021-10}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
J. Westenberger, C. D. Wagter, and G. de Croon, “Onboard time-optimal control for tiny quadcopters,” in 12$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Puebla, México, 2021, p. 93–100.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2021-11:j_westenberger_et_al, author = {Jelle Westenberger and Christophe De Wagter and Guido de Croon}, editor = {Jose Martinez-Carranza}, title = {Onboard Time-Optimal Control for Tiny Quadcopters}, year = {2021}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-19}, booktitle = {12$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Puebla, M\'{e}xico}, pages = {93--100}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2021-11}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
R. Jan, J. Condomines, and J. Moschetta, “Fast simulation model for control law design andbenchmark of high aspect ratio flexible uavs,” in 12$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Puebla, México, 2021, p. 101–108.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2021-12:r_jan_et_al, author = {Rmain Jan and Jean-Philippe Condomines and Jean-Marc Moschetta}, editor = {Jose Martinez-Carranza}, title = {Fast simulation model for control law design andbenchmark of high aspect ratio flexible UAVs}, year = {2021}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-19}, booktitle = {12$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Puebla, M\'{e}xico}, pages = {101--108}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2021-12}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
G. Hattenberger, T. Verdu, N. Maury, P. Narvor, F. Couvreux, M. Bronz, S. Lacroix, G. Cayez, and G. Roberts, “Field report: deployment of a fleet of drones for cloud exploration,” in 12$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Puebla, México, 2021, p. 109–115.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2021-13:g_hattenberger_et_al, author = {Gautier Hattenberger and Titouan Verdu and Nicolas Maury and Pierre Narvor and Fleur Couvreux and Murat Bronz and Simon Lacroix and Gr{\'e}goire Cayez and Gregory Roberts}, editor = {Jose Martinez-Carranza}, title = {Field report: deployment of a fleet of drones for cloud exploration}, year = {2021}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-19}, booktitle = {12$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Puebla, M\'{e}xico}, pages = {109--115}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2021-13}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
M. Gossye, S. Hwang, and B. Remes, “Developing a modular tool to simulate regeneration power potential using orographic wind-hovering uavs,” in 12$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Puebla, México, 2021, p. 116–123.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2021-14:m_gossye_et_al, author = {Midas Gossye and Sunyou Hwang and Bart Remes}, editor = {Jose Martinez-Carranza}, title = {Developing a modular tool to simulate regeneration power potential using orographic wind-hovering UAVs}, year = {2021}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-19}, booktitle = {12$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Puebla, M\'{e}xico}, pages = {116--123}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2021-14}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
G. Hattenberger, M. Bronz, and J. Condomines, “Estimating wind using a quadrotor,” in 12$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Puebla, México, 2021, p. 124–130.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2021-15:g_hattenberger_et_al, author = {Gautier Hattenberger and Murat Bronz and Jean-Philippe Condomines}, editor = {Jose Martinez-Carranza}, title = {Estimating wind using a quadrotor}, year = {2021}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-19}, booktitle = {12$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Puebla, M\'{e}xico}, pages = {124--130}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2021-15}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
L. Dellemann and C. D. Wagter, “Hybrid uav attitude control using indi and dynamic tilt-twist,” in 12$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Puebla, México, 2021, p. 131–136.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2021-16:l_dellemann_et_al, author = {Lars Dellemann and Christophe De Wagter}, editor = {Jose Martinez-Carranza}, title = {Hybrid UAV Attitude Control using INDI and Dynamic Tilt-Twist}, year = {2021}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-19}, booktitle = {12$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Puebla, M\'{e}xico}, pages = {131--136}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2021-16}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
I. M. Pérez, R. G. Rodríguez, M. A. V. Navarrete, and L. E. R. Velasco, “” sliding-mode based thrust vector control for aircrafts”,” in 12$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Puebla, México, 2021, p. 137–143.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2021-17:i_perez_et_al, author = {Ivan Mart{\'i}nez P{\'e}rez and Rodolfo Garc{\'i}a Rodr{\'i}guez and Mario Alejandro Vega Navarrete and Luis Enrique Ramos Velasco}, editor = {Jose Martinez-Carranza}, title = {" Sliding-mode based Thrust Vector Control for Aircrafts"}, year = {2021}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-19}, booktitle = {12$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Puebla, M\'{e}xico}, pages = {137--143}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2021-17}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
J. Ayala, R. Enriquez, and F. Guerrero, “Quaternion based attitude sliding mode control with disturbance rejection observer for a quadrotor,” in 12$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Puebla, México, 2021, p. 144–152.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2021-18:j_ayala_et_al, author = {Juan Ayala and Rogerio Enriquez and Fermi Guerrero}, editor = {Jose Martinez-Carranza}, title = {Quaternion Based Attitude Sliding Mode Control with Disturbance Rejection Observer for a quadrotor}, year = {2021}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-19}, booktitle = {12$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Puebla, M\'{e}xico}, pages = {144--152}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2021-18}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
P. Li~Volsi, D. Gomez-Ariza, T. Jardin, R. Gojon, and J. Moschetta, “Design of aeroacoustically stealth mav rotors,” in 12$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Puebla, México, 2021, p. 153–160.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2021-19:p_livolsi_et_al, author = {Pietro Li~Volsi and David Gomez-Ariza and Thierry Jardin and Romain Gojon and Jean-Marc Moschetta}, editor = {Jose Martinez-Carranza}, title = {Design of aeroacoustically stealth MAV rotors}, year = {2021}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-19}, booktitle = {12$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Puebla, M\'{e}xico}, pages = {153--160}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2021-19}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
S. L. Wu, Y. W. Chin, and G. K. Lau, “A click mechanism moderates drone’s flapping wing kinematics for enhanced thrust generation,” in 12$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Puebla, México, 2021, p. 161–165.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2021-20:s_wu_et_al, author = {Shang Lin Wu and Yao Wei Chin and Gih Keong Lau}, editor = {Jose Martinez-Carranza}, title = {A click mechanism moderates drone's flapping wing kinematics for enhanced thrust generation}, year = {2021}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-19}, booktitle = {12$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Puebla, M\'{e}xico}, pages = {161--165}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2021-20}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
L. Bullard, A. Mohamed, and S. Watkins, “Propulsive efficiency of small multirotor propellers in fast forward flight,” in 12$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Puebla, México, 2021, p. 166–171.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2021-21:l_bullard_et_al, author = {Liam Bullard and Abdulghani Mohamed and Simon Watkins}, editor = {Jose Martinez-Carranza}, title = {Propulsive efficiency of small multirotor propellers in fast forward flight}, year = {2021}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-19}, booktitle = {12$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Puebla, M\'{e}xico}, pages = {166--171}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2021-21}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
N. Gavrilovic, P. Leelaburanathanakul, J. Cuadrado-Anibarro, and J. Moschetta, “Aero-propulsive performance improvement of h2 powered uas,” in 12$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Puebla, México, 2021, p. 172–179.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2021-22:n_gavrilovic_et_al, author = {Nikola Gavrilovic and Phassawat Leelaburanathanakul and Javier Cuadrado-Anibarro and Jean-Marc Moschetta}, editor = {Jose Martinez-Carranza}, title = {Aero-propulsive performance improvement of H2 powered UAS}, year = {2021}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-19}, booktitle = {12$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Puebla, M\'{e}xico}, pages = {172--179}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2021-22}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
S. Serokhvostov and T. Churkina, “Implementation of copter propeller model to the problem of energy consumption minimization during lift phase,” in 12$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Puebla, México, 2021, p. 180–187.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2021-23:s_serokhvostov_et_al, author = {Sergey Serokhvostov and Tatiana Churkina}, editor = {Jose Martinez-Carranza}, title = {Implementation of copter propeller model to the problem of energy consumption minimization during lift phase}, year = {2021}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-19}, booktitle = {12$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Puebla, M\'{e}xico}, pages = {180--187}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2021-23}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
C. A. O. Quero, D. D. R. D. Romero, J. Rangel-Magdaleno, J. Martínez-Carranza, and R. Ramos-Garcia, “3d reconstruction based on nir single-pixel for drone navigation under rainy condition,” in 12$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Puebla, México, 2021, p. 188–195.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2021-24:c_quero_et_al, author = {Carlos Alexander Osorio Quero and Daniel Durini Romero Durini Romero and Jose Rangel-Magdaleno and Jos{\'e} Mart{\'i}nez-Carranza and Ruben Ramos-Garcia}, editor = {Jose Martinez-Carranza}, title = {3D Reconstruction based on NIR single-pixel for drone navigation under rainy condition}, year = {2021}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-19}, booktitle = {12$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Puebla, M\'{e}xico}, pages = {188--195}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2021-24}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
A. S. Jurado, G. A. D. Fonzo, R. Pérez, H. Bavle, M. Fernandez-Cortizas, J. Rodríguez-Vázquez, G. Robledo, and P. Campoy, “Indoor visual semantic slam improves vio and rgbd for narrow space navigation,” in 12$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Puebla, México, 2021, p. 196–203.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2021-25:a_jurado_et_al, author = {Andr{\'e}s Solares Jurado and Germ{\'a}n Andr{\'e}s Di Fonzo and Rafael P{\'e}rez and Hriday Bavle and Miguel Fernandez-Cortizas and Javier Rodr{\'i}guez-V{\'a}zquez and Guillermo Robledo and Pascual Campoy}, editor = {Jose Martinez-Carranza}, title = {Indoor Visual Semantic SLAM improves VIO and RGBD for narrow space navigation}, year = {2021}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-19}, booktitle = {12$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Puebla, M\'{e}xico}, pages = {196--203}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2021-25}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
X. Wang, L. Xi, Y. Chen, S. Lai, F. Lin, and B. M. Chen, “Decentralized trajectory generation technique for multiple unmanned multicopter systems in cluttered environments,” in 12$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Puebla, México, 2021, p. 204–209.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2021-26:x_wang_et_al, author = {Xinyi Wang and Lele Xi and Yizhou Chen and Shupeng Lai and Feng Lin and Ben M. Chen}, editor = {Jose Martinez-Carranza}, title = {Decentralized Trajectory Generation Technique for Multiple Unmanned Multicopter Systems in Cluttered Environments}, year = {2021}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-19}, booktitle = {12$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Puebla, M\'{e}xico}, pages = {204--209}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2021-26}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
J. M. Fortuna-Cervantes, M. T. Ramírez-Torres, M. Mejía-Carlos, J. Martínez-Carranza, and J. S. Murguía-Ibarra, “Texture classification for object detection in aerial navigation using transfer learning and wavelet-based features,” in 12$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Puebla, México, 2021, p. 210–215.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2021-27:j_fortunacervantes_et_al, author = {Juan Manuel Fortuna-Cervantes and Marco Tulio Ram{\'i}rez-Torres and Marcela Mej{\'i}a-Carlos and Jos{\'e} Mart{\'i}nez-Carranza and Jos{\'e} Salom{\'e} Murgu{\'i}a-Ibarra}, editor = {Jose Martinez-Carranza}, title = {Texture Classification for Object Detection in Aerial Navigation using Transfer Learning and Wavelet-based Features}, year = {2021}, month = {Nov}, day = {17-19}, booktitle = {12$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Puebla, M\'{e}xico}, pages = {210--215}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2021-27}, pdf = {}, url = {} }

IMAV2021 took place in Puebla, Mexico from November 15th until 19th 2021. Visit the website for details and updates:
IMAV2019 Proceedings
or find the individual papers below
B. Theys and J. D. Schutter, “Forward flight tests of a quadcopter uav with various spherical body diameters,” in 11$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Madrid, Spain, 2019, p. 12–18.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2019:b_theys_et_al, author = {Bart Theys and Joris De Schutter}, editor = {P. Campoy}, title = {Forward flight tests of a quadcopter UAV with various spherical body diameters}, year = {2019}, month = {Sep}, day = {29-04}, booktitle = {11$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, pages = {12--18}, number = {IMAV2019-1}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
S. V. Serokhvostov and T. E. Churkina, “Optimal flight altitude for the small solar-powered airplane,” in 11$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Madrid, Spain, 2019, p. 19–24.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2019:s_serokhvostov_et_al, author = {Sergey V. Serokhvostov and Tatiana E. Churkina}, editor = {P. Campoy}, title = {Optimal Flight Altitude for the Small Solar-Powered Airplane}, year = {2019}, month = {Sep}, day = {29-04}, booktitle = {11$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, pages = {19--24}, number = {IMAV2019-2}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
F. Binz and D. Moormann, “Actuator modeling for attitude control using incremental nonlinear dynamic inversion,” in 11$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Madrid, Spain, 2019, p. 25–31.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2019:f_binz_et_al, author = {Fabian Binz and Dieter Moormann}, editor = {P. Campoy}, title = {Actuator Modeling for Attitude Control Using Incremental Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion}, year = {2019}, month = {Sep}, day = {29-04}, booktitle = {11$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, pages = {25--31}, number = {IMAV2019-3}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
A. C. D. S. Paulino, A. Murie, T. Pavot, M. Lefebre, R. Kiefer, E. Laroche, and S. Durand, “Experimental versus computational determination of the dynamical model of a glider,” in 11$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Madrid, Spain, 2019, p. 32–41.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2019:a_paulino_et_al, author = {Ana Carolina Dos Santos Paulino and Antoine Murie and Thomas Pavot and Martin Lefebre and Renaud Kiefer and Edouard Laroche and Sylvain Durand}, editor = {P. Campoy}, title = {Experimental versus computational determination of the dynamical model of a glider}, year = {2019}, month = {Sep}, day = {29-04}, booktitle = {11$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, pages = {32--41}, number = {IMAV2019-4}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
M. S. Ale.Isaac, A. Naghash, and S. H. Mirtajedini, “Control and guidance of an autonomous quadrotor landing phase on a moving platform,” in 11$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Madrid, Spain, 2019, p. 42–48.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2019:m_aleisaac_et_al, author = {Muhammad Sadeq Ale.Isaac and A. Naghash and S. H. Mirtajedini}, editor = {P. Campoy}, title = {Control and Guidance of an Autonomous Quadrotor Landing Phase on a Moving Platform}, year = {2019}, month = {Sep}, day = {29-04}, booktitle = {11$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, pages = {42--48}, number = {IMAV2019-5}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
C. D. Wagter, B. Remes, R. Ruijsink, F. van Tienen, and E. van der Horst, “Design and testing of a vertical take-off and landing uav optimized for carrying a hydrogen fuel-cell with pressure tank,” in 11$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Madrid, Spain, 2019, p. 49–54.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2019:c_wagter_et_al, author = {Christophe De Wagter and Bart Remes and Rick Ruijsink and Freek van Tienen and Erik van der Horst}, editor = {P. Campoy}, title = {Design and Testing of a Vertical take-off and Landing UAV optimized for carrying a Hydrogen Fuel-cell with Pressure Tank}, year = {2019}, month = {Sep}, day = {29-04}, booktitle = {11$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, pages = {49--54}, number = {IMAV2019-6}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
C. D. Pose, F. Presenza, I. Mas, and J. I. Giribet, “Trajectory following with a mav under rotor fault conditions,” in 11$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Madrid, Spain, 2019, p. 55–59.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2019:c_pose_et_al, author = {Claudio D. Pose and Francisco Presenza and Ignacio Mas and Juan I. Giribet}, editor = {P. Campoy}, title = {Trajectory Following with a MAV Under Rotor Fault Conditions}, year = {2019}, month = {Sep}, day = {29-04}, booktitle = {11$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, pages = {55--59}, number = {IMAV2019-7}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
D. A. Olejnik, B. P. Duisterhof, M. Karásek, K. Y. W. Scheper, T. van Dijk, and G. C. H. E. de Croon, “A tailless flapping wing mav performing monocular visual servoing tasks,” in 11$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Madrid, Spain, 2019, p. 60–66.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2019:d_olejnik_et_al, author = {Diana A. Olejnik and Bas P. Duisterhof and Matej Kar{\'a}sek and Kirk Y.W. Scheper and Tom van Dijk and Guido C.H.E. de Croon}, editor = {P. Campoy}, title = {A Tailless Flapping Wing MAV Performing Monocular Visual Servoing Tasks}, year = {2019}, month = {Sep}, day = {29-04}, booktitle = {11$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, pages = {60--66}, number = {IMAV2019-8}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
F. Magistri, D. Nardiyand, and V. Trianni, “Using prior information to improve crop/weed classification by mav swarms,” in 11$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Madrid, Spain, 2019, p. 67–75.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2019:f_magistri_et_al, author = {Federico Magistri and Daniele Nardiyand and Vito Trianni}, editor = {P. Campoy}, title = {Using Prior Information to Improve Crop/Weed Classification by MAV Swarms}, year = {2019}, month = {Sep}, day = {29-04}, booktitle = {11$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, pages = {67--75}, number = {IMAV2019-9}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
C. Greatwood, L. Bose, T. Richardson, W. Mayol-Cuevas, R. Clarke, J. Chen, S. J. Carey, and P. Dudek, “Towards drone racing with a pixel processor array,” in 11$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Madrid, Spain, 2019, p. 76–82.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2019:c_greatwood_et_al, author = {Colin Greatwood and Laurie Bose and Thomas Richardson and Walterio Mayol-Cuevas and Robert Clarke and Jianing Chen and Stephen J. Carey and Piotr Dudek}, editor = {P. Campoy}, title = {Towards Drone Racing with a Pixel Processor Array}, year = {2019}, month = {Sep}, day = {29-04}, booktitle = {11$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, pages = {76--82}, number = {IMAV2019-10}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
F. Steidle, W. Stürzl, and R. Triebel, “Visual-inertial sensor fusion with a bio-inspired polarization compass for navigation of mavs,” in 11$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Madrid, Spain, 2019, p. 83–88.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2019:f_steidle_et_al, author = {Florian Steidle and Wolfgang St{\"u}rzl and Rudolph Triebel}, editor = {P. Campoy}, title = {Visual-Inertial Sensor Fusion with a Bio-Inspired Polarization Compass for Navigation of MAVs}, year = {2019}, month = {Sep}, day = {29-04}, booktitle = {11$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, pages = {83--88}, number = {IMAV2019-11}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
J. A. Cocoma-Ortega and J. Martinez-Carranza, “A cnn-based drone localisation approach for autonomous drone racing,” in 11$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Madrid, Spain, 2019, p. 89–94.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2019:j_cocomaortega_et_al, author = {Jos{\'e} Arturo Cocoma-Ortega and Jose Martinez-Carranza}, editor = {P. Campoy}, title = {A CNN-based Drone Localisation Approach for Autonomous Drone Racing}, year = {2019}, month = {Sep}, day = {29-04}, booktitle = {11$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, pages = {89--94}, number = {IMAV2019-12}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
Y. Leng, M. Bronz, T. Jardin, and J. Moschetta, “Slipstream deformation of a propeller-wing combination applied for convertible uavs in hover condition,” in 11$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Madrid, Spain, 2019, p. 95–102.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2019:y_leng_et_al, author = {Yuchen Leng and Murat Bronz and Thierry Jardin and Jean-Marc Moschetta}, editor = {P. Campoy}, title = {Slipstream Deformation of a Propeller-Wing Combination Applied for Convertible UAVs in Hover Condition}, year = {2019}, month = {Sep}, day = {29-04}, booktitle = {11$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, pages = {95--102}, number = {IMAV2019-13}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
A. Cabarbaye, T. Verdu, F. Garcia, M. Gorraz, A. Bustico, M. Bronz, and G. Hattenberger, “Design of a high performance mav for atmospheric research,” in 11$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Madrid, Spain, 2019, p. 103–110.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2019:a_cabarbaye_et_al, author = {Aur{\'e}lien Cabarbaye and Titouan Verdu and Fabien Garcia and Michel Gorraz and Alexandre Bustico and Murat Bronz and Gautier Hattenberger}, editor = {P. Campoy}, title = {Design of a high performance MAV for atmospheric research}, year = {2019}, month = {Sep}, day = {29-04}, booktitle = {11$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, pages = {103--110}, number = {IMAV2019-14}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
D. N. W. M. Heitzig, B. W. van Oudheusden, D. A. Olejnik, and M. Karásek, “Effects of asymmetrical inflow in forward flight on the deformation of interacting flapping-wings,” in 11$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Madrid, Spain, 2019, p. 111–120.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2019:d_heitzig_et_al, author = {Dorian N.W.M. Heitzig and Bas W. van Oudheusden and Diana A. Olejnik and Matej Kar{\'a}sek}, editor = {P. Campoy}, title = {Effects of asymmetrical inflow in forward flight on the deformation of interacting flapping-wings}, year = {2019}, month = {Sep}, day = {29-04}, booktitle = {11$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, pages = {111--120}, number = {IMAV2019-15}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
N. Gavrilovic, D. Vincekovic, and J. Moschetta, “A long range fuel cell/soaring uav system for crossing the atlantic ocean,” in 11$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Madrid, Spain, 2019, p. 121–131.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2019:n_gavrilovic_et_al, author = {Nikola Gavrilovic and David Vincekovic and Jean-Marc Moschetta}, editor = {P. Campoy}, title = {A Long Range Fuel Cell/Soaring UAV System for Crossing the Atlantic Ocean}, year = {2019}, month = {Sep}, day = {29-04}, booktitle = {11$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, pages = {121--131}, number = {IMAV2019-16}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
L. Lu, J. Rodriguez-Vazquez, A. Carrio, and P. Campoy, “Autonomous navigation in dynamic environments using monocular vision,” in 11$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Madrid, Spain, 2019, p. 132–137.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2019:l_lu_et_al, author = {Liang Lu and Javier Rodriguez-Vazquez and Adrian Carrio and Pascual Campoy}, editor = {P. Campoy}, title = {Autonomous Navigation in Dynamic Environments using Monocular Vision}, year = {2019}, month = {Sep}, day = {29-04}, booktitle = {11$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, pages = {132--137}, number = {IMAV2019-17}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
A. A. Cabrera-Ponce, J. Martinez-Carranza, and C. Rascon, “Detection of nearby uavs using cnn and spectrograms,” in 11$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Madrid, Spain, 2019, p. 138–143.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2019:a_cabreraponce_et_al, author = {Aldrich A. Cabrera-Ponce and J. Martinez-Carranza and Caleb Rascon}, editor = {P. Campoy}, title = {Detection of nearby UAVs using CNN and Spectrograms}, year = {2019}, month = {Sep}, day = {29-04}, booktitle = {11$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, pages = {138--143}, number = {IMAV2019-18}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
D. Wijnker, T. van Dijk, M. Snellen, G. C. H. E. de Croon, and C. D. Wagter, “Hear and avoid for uavs using convolutional neural networks,” in 11$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Madrid, Spain, 2019, p. 144–156.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2019:d_wijnker_et_al, author = {Dirk Wijnker and Tom van Dijk and Mirjam Snellen and Guido C.H.E. de Croon and Christophe De Wagter}, editor = {P. Campoy}, title = {Hear and avoid for UAVs using convolutional neural networks}, year = {2019}, month = {Sep}, day = {29-04}, booktitle = {11$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, pages = {144--156}, number = {IMAV2019-19}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
P. Moreno, S. Esteva, I. Mas, and J. I. Giribet, “Multi-uav specification and control with a single pilot-in-the-loop,” in 11$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Madrid, Spain, 2019, p. 157–164.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2019:p_moreno_et_al, author = {Patricio Moreno and Santiago Esteva and Ignacio Mas and Juan I. Giribet}, editor = {P. Campoy}, title = {Multi-UAV Specification and Control with a Single Pilot-in-the-Loop}, year = {2019}, month = {Sep}, day = {29-04}, booktitle = {11$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, pages = {157--164}, number = {IMAV2019-20}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
J. D. Luengo, J. Bordeneuve-Guibé, and F. Defay, “Model reference adaptive and gain scheduling control for variable payload uav quadcopters,” in 11$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Madrid, Spain, 2019, p. 165–172.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2019:j_luengo_et_al, author = {Jorge Diaz Luengo and Joel Bordeneuve-Guib{\'e} and Francois Defay}, editor = {P. Campoy}, title = {Model Reference Adaptive and Gain Scheduling Control for Variable Payload UAV Quadcopters}, year = {2019}, month = {Sep}, day = {29-04}, booktitle = {11$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, pages = {165--172}, number = {IMAV2019-21}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
R. L. S. M. Vilela and E. C. da Silva, “Stability and altitude control of a quadrotor using fuzzy logic,” in 11$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Madrid, Spain, 2019, p. 173–179.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2019:r_vilela_et_al, author = {Renan L.S.M. Vilela and Eduardo Costa da Silva}, editor = {P. Campoy}, title = {Stability and Altitude Control of a Quadrotor Using Fuzzy Logic}, year = {2019}, month = {Sep}, day = {29-04}, booktitle = {11$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, pages = {173--179}, number = {IMAV2019-22}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
A. Guerra-Langan, S. Araujo-Estrada, and S. Windsor, “Uav control costs mirror bird behaviour when soaring close to buildings,” in 11$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Madrid, Spain, 2019, p. 180–193.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2019:a_guerralangan_et_al, author = {Ana Guerra-Langan and Sergio Araujo-Estrada and Shane Windsor}, editor = {P. Campoy}, title = {UAV control costs mirror bird behaviour when soaring close to buildings}, year = {2019}, month = {Sep}, day = {29-04}, booktitle = {11$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, pages = {180--193}, number = {IMAV2019-23}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
A. L. Luna, J. M. Carranza, and I. C. Vega, “Aerial interaction control using gain-scheduling and pid for a drone with a 2-dof arm,” in 11$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Madrid, Spain, 2019, p. 194–199.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2019:a_luna_et_al, author = {Aaron Lopez Luna and Jose Martinez Carranza and Israel Cruz Vega}, editor = {P. Campoy}, title = {Aerial Interaction Control Using Gain-Scheduling and PID for a Drone with a 2-DOF Arm}, year = {2019}, month = {Sep}, day = {29-04}, booktitle = {11$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, pages = {194--199}, number = {IMAV2019-24}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
L. O. Rojas-Perez and J. Martinez-Carranza, “Flight coordination of drones in gps-denied environments using a metric visual slam,” in 11$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Madrid, Spain, 2019, p. 200–205.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2019:l_rojasperez_et_al, author = {Leticia Oyuki Rojas-Perez and Jose Martinez-Carranza}, editor = {P. Campoy}, title = {Flight Coordination of Drones in GPS-denied Environments using a Metric Visual SLAM}, year = {2019}, month = {Sep}, day = {29-04}, booktitle = {11$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, pages = {200--205}, number = {IMAV2019-25}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
R. Axten, W. Chien, J. Crouse, O. Dunbabin, V. Iyer, K. Sharma, and V. Surendran, “Autonomous robotics competition club (arcc),” in 11$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Madrid, Spain, 2019, p. 206–213.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2019:r_axten_et_al, author = {Rachel Axten and Wen-Yu Chien and Jacob Crouse and Oliver Dunbabin and Venkatakrishnan Iyer and Kalki Sharma and Vidullan Surendran}, editor = {P. Campoy}, title = {Autonomous Robotics Competition Club (ARCC)}, year = {2019}, month = {Sep}, day = {29-04}, booktitle = {11$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, pages = {206--213}, number = {IMAV2019-26}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
D. Saha, G. S. B. Udayagiriy, P. Agarwal, B. Ghosh, and S. Kumar, “Warehouse management using real-time qr-code and text detection,” in 11$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Madrid, Spain, 2019, p. 214–221.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2019:d_saha_et_al, author = {Debjoy Saha and Ganesh Shiridi Balaji Udayagiriy and Parakh Agarwal and Biswajit Ghosh and Somesh Kumar}, editor = {P. Campoy}, title = {Warehouse Management Using Real-Time QR-Code and Text Detection}, year = {2019}, month = {Sep}, day = {29-04}, booktitle = {11$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, pages = {214--221}, number = {IMAV2019-27}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
A. Al-Kaff, Á. Madridano, A. Radwan, F. M. Moreno, A. Hussein, and A. de la Escalera, “Heterogeneous multiple vehicles cooperation approach for smart roads,” in 11$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle competition and conference, Madrid, Spain, 2019, p. 222–227.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2019:a_alkaff_et_al, author = {Abdulla Al-Kaff and {\'A}ngel Madridano and Ahmed Radwan and Francisco Miguel Moreno and Ahmed Hussein and Arturo de la Escalera}, editor = {P. Campoy}, title = {Heterogeneous Multiple Vehicles Cooperation Approach for Smart Roads}, year = {2019}, month = {Sep}, day = {29-04}, booktitle = {11$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, pages = {222--227}, number = {IMAV2019-28}, pdf = {}, url = {} }
IMAV2019 is approaching fast! So are the paper submission deadline (May 10) and team registration deadline (May 30). The competition rules have been published and a preliminary schedule is available. Make sure you check out all the details on the main website or the auxiliary registration website