G. de Croon and D. C. Wagter, “13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 1–16.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-0:preface, author = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {1--16}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/0.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/0.pdf} }
M. A. Martinez-Ramirez and H. Rodríguez-Cortés, “Lateral guidance and control for a fixed-wing aircraft,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 17–24.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-1:m_martinezramirez_et_al, author = {Marco A. Martinez-Ramirez and Hugo Rodríguez-Cortés}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Lateral guidance and control for a fixed-wing aircraft}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {17--24}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-1}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/1.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/1.pdf} }
Z. Bilgin, M. Bronz, and I. Yavrucuk, “Panel method based path planning for fixed wing micro aerial vehicles,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 25–31.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-2:z_bilgin_et_al, author = {Zeynep Bilgin and Murat Bronz and Ilkay Yavrucuk}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Panel Method Based Path Planning for Fixed Wing Micro Aerial Vehicles}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {25--31}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-2}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/2.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/2.pdf} }
T. Kim, J. Kim, I. Seo, and S. Kim, “Reconnaissance target grouping and assignment considering fault severity for uav swarm,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 32–38.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-3:t_kim_et_al, author = {Taegyun Kim and Jingu Kim and Ilwon Seo and Seungkeun Kim}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Reconnaissance Target Grouping and Assignment Considering Fault Severity for UAV Swarm}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {32--38}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-3}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/3.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/3.pdf} }
G. Hattenberger, M. Bronz, and J. Condomines, “Evaluation of drag coefficient for a quadrotor model,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 39–46.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-4:g_hattenberger_et_al, author = {Gautier Hattenberger and Murat Bronz and Jean-Philippe Condomines}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Evaluation of drag coefficient for a quadrotor model}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {39--46}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-4}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/4.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/4.pdf} }
S. Bahnam, C. de Wagter, and G. de Croon, “Improving the computational efficiency of rovio,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 47–52.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-5:s_bahnam_et_al, author = {Stavrow Bahnam and Christophe de Wagter and Guido de Croon}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Improving the computational efficiency of ROVIO}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {47--52}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-5}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/5.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/5.pdf} }
C. A. Quero, D. Durini, J. J. de Magdaleno, J. Martinez-Carranza, and R. Ramos-Garcia, “Fast nir-single-pixel-imaging enhancement under scattering environment,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 53–58.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-6:c_quero_et_al, author = {Carlos Alexander Quero and Daniel Durini and José de Jesús Magdaleno and Jose Martinez-Carranza and Ruben Ramos-Garcia}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Fast NIR-Single-Pixel-Imaging enhancement under scattering environment}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {53--58}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-6}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/6.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/6.pdf} }
E. Cereda, D. Palossi, and A. Giusti, “Handling pitch variations for visual perception in mavs: synthetic augmentation and state fusion,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 59–65.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-7:e_cereda_et_al, author = {Elia Cereda and Daniele Palossi and Alessandro Giusti}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Handling Pitch Variations for Visual Perception in MAVs: Synthetic Augmentation and State Fusion}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {59--65}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-7}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/7.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/7.pdf} }
L. Bergantin, C. Coquet, A. Negre, T. Raharijaona, N. Marchand, and F. Ruffier, “Using trajectory oscillation timing improves in-flight odometry based solely on optic flows,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 66–74.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-8:l_bergantin_et_al, author = {Lucia Bergantin and Charles Coquet and Amaury Negre and Thibaut Raharijaona and Nicolas Marchand and Franck Ruffier}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Using trajectory oscillation timing improves in-flight odometry based solely on optic flows}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {66--74}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-8}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/8.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/8.pdf} }
S. Wilshin, S. Amos, and R. J. Bomphrey, “Seeing with sound – surface detection and avoidance by sensing self-generated noise,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 75–83.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-9:s_wilshin_et_al, author = {Simon Wilshin and Stephen Amos and Richard J Bomphrey}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Seeing with sound -- surface detection and avoidance by sensing self-generated noise}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {75--83}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-9}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/9.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/9.pdf} }
Z. Wang, J. Qu, and P. Morin, “Deep learning-based flight speed estimation using thermal anemometers,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 84–91.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-10:z_wang_et_al, author = {Ze Wang and Jingang Qu and Pascal Morin}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Deep Learning-based Flight Speed Estimation using Thermal Anemometers}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {84--91}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-10}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/10.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/10.pdf} }
M. Mariana-Edith, L. O. Rojas-Perez, and J. Martinez-Carranza, “Semantic segmentation of rgb aerial images using cnn and superregions,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 92–102.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-11:m_marianaedith_et_al, author = {Miranda-Varela Mariana-Edith and Leticia Oyuki Rojas-Perez and Jose Martinez-Carranza}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Semantic Segmentation of RGB Aerial Images Using CNN and Superregions}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {92--102}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-11}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/11.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/11.pdf} }
A. A. Cabrera-Ponce, M. I. Martin-Ortiz, and J. Martinez-Carranza, “Multi-model continual learning for camera localisation from aerial images,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 103–109.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-12:a_cabreraponce_et_al, author = {Aldrich Alfredo Cabrera-Ponce and Manuel Isidro Martin-Ortiz and Jose Martinez-Carranza}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Multi-Model Continual Learning for Camera Localisation from Aerial Images}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {103--109}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-12}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/12.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/12.pdf} }
O. L. Rojas-Perez and J. Martinez-Carranza, “Leveraging a neural pilot via automatic gain tuning using gate detection for autonomous drone racing,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 110–118.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-13:l_rojasperez_et_al, author = {L. Oyuki Rojas-Perez and Jose Martinez-Carranza}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Leveraging a Neural Pilot via Automatic Gain Tuning using Gate Detection for Autonomous Drone Racing}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {110--118}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-13}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/13.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/13.pdf} }
D. van Wijngaarden and B. D. W. Remes, “Indi control for the oblique wing-quad plane drone,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 119–126.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-14:d_wijngaarden_et_al, author = {Dennis van Wijngaarden and Bart D.W. Remes}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {INDI Control for the oblique wing-quad plane drone}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {119--126}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-14}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/14.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/14.pdf} }
J. Müller and D. Moormann, “Miniaturisation and control of an unmanned tiltwing aircraft,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 127–135.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-15:j_maller_et_al, author = {Julian Müller and Dieter Moormann}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Miniaturisation and Control of an Unmanned Tiltwing Aircraft}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {127--135}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-15}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/15.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/15.pdf} }
D. Schatten, “Attitude control for a tiltwing aircraft under tail actuator failures,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 136–143.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-16:d_schatten_et_al, author = {Daniel Schatten}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Attitude control for a tiltwing aircraft under tail actuator failures}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {136--143}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-16}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/16.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/16.pdf} }
H. Jeaong, J. Suk, and S. Kim, “Robust flight control using hybrid incremental nonlinear dynamic inversion control for tiltrotor uav,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 144–151.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-17:h_jeaong_et_al, author = {Hoijo Jeaong and Jinyoung Suk and Seungkeun Kim}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Robust flight control using Hybrid Incremental Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion Control for Tiltrotor UAV}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {144--151}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-17}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/17.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/17.pdf} }
M. Lefebvre, T. Pavot, R. Kiefer, M. Vedrines, and N. Bahlouli, “Recyclable bio-based composite flax/elium for uav applications,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 152–158.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-18:m_lefebvre_et_al, author = {Martin Lefebvre and Thomas Pavot and Renaud Kiefer and Marc Vedrines and Nadia Bahlouli}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Recyclable bio-based composite Flax/Elium for UAV applications}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {152--158}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-18}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/18.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/18.pdf} }
L. F. T. Fernandez, M. Bronz, N. Bartoli, and T. Lefebvre, “Development of a mission-tailored tail-sitter mav,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 159–168.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-19:l_fernandez_et_al, author = {Luiz Fernando Tiberio Fernandez and Murat Bronz and Nathalie Bartoli and Thierry Lefebvre}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Development of a Mission-Tailored Tail-Sitter MAV}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {159--168}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-19}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/19.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/19.pdf} }
B. Bernabe-Lorranca and H. Rodríguez-Cortés, “C wing geometric design based on aircraft flying qualities,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 169–174.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-20:b_bernabelorranca_et_al, author = {Beatriz Bernabe-Lorranca and Hugo Rodríguez-Cortés}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {C wing geometric design based on aircraft flying qualities}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {169--174}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-20}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/20.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/20.pdf} }
G. Hattenberger, F. Bonneval, M. Ladeira, E. Grolleau, and Y. Ouhammou, “Micro-drone autopilot architecture for efficient static scheduling,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 175–182.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-21:g_hattenberger_et_al, author = {Gautier Hattenberger and Fabien Bonneval and Matheus Ladeira and Emmanuel Grolleau and Yassine Ouhammou}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Micro-drone autopilot architecture for efficient static scheduling}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {175--182}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-21}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/21.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/21.pdf} }
M. Lashgari and A. Naghash, “Hover controller design and implementation for a dragonfly-like flapping wing,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 183–192.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-22:m_lashgari_et_al, author = {Mohammad Lashgari and Abolghasem Naghash}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Hover Controller Design and Implementation for a Dragonfly-like Flapping Wing}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {183--192}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-22}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/22.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/22.pdf} }
S. Schröter, E. J. J. Smeur, and B. D. W. Remes, “Design and joint control of a conjoined biplane and quadrotor,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 193–200.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-23:s_schrater_et_al, author = {Shawn Schröter and Ewoud J.J. Smeur and Bart D.W. Remes}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Design and Joint Control of a Conjoined Biplane and Quadrotor}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {193--200}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-23}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/23.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/23.pdf} }
W. Oh, I. Kim, S. Kim, and J. Suk, “Total energy control system design for longitudinal dynamics of complex articulated ornithopter,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 201–206.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-24:w_oh_et_al, author = {Woongtaek Oh and Inrae Kim and Seungkeun Kim and Jinyoung Suk}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Total Energy Control System Design for Longitudinal Dynamics of Complex Articulated Ornithopter}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {201--206}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-24}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/24.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/24.pdf} }
T. Pavot, M. Lefebvre, R. Kiefer, T. Mesbahi, and E. Laroche, “Frequency based strategy for hybrid-powered unmanned aerial vehicle,” in 13$^{th}$ international micro air vehicle conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 207–212.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{imav2022-25:t_pavot_et_al, author = {Thomas Pavot and Martin Lefebvre and Renaud Kiefer and Tedjanie Mesbahi and Edouard Laroche}, editor = {G. de Croon and C. De Wagter}, title = {Frequency based strategy for hybrid-powered unmanned aerial vehicle}, year = {2022}, month = {Sep}, day = {12-16}, booktitle = {13$^{th}$ International Micro Air Vehicle Conference}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {207--212}, note = {Paper no. IMAV2022-25}, pdf = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/25.pdf}, url = {http://www.imavs.org/papers/2022/25.pdf} }