International Micro Air Vehicle Competition 2014

IMAV 2014 Competition Results

In 2014 the “International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition” took place in Delft, the Netherlands from 12th to 15th of August. It was organized by a committee of scientists of the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). 248 visitors from different countries attended the IMAV 2014. The competition results and the capabilities the team demonstrated were:

1st prize: National University of Singapore (Singapore) [683]
Onboard automatic image stitching, onboard number recognition(*), onboard autonomous laser-based room navigation, onboard computer vision based precision roof landing, autonomous takeoffs, autonomous landings (*), onboard computer vision based 7-segment digit recognition (*), autonomous flying WiFi-relay.

2nd prize: Team Dipole (Germany) [425]
Smallest MAV’s of the competition. Very talented FPV flight with many take-off, precision landings, reading house numbers, visiting 18 indoor rooms (several double and not counted), recognizing 16 indoor objects correctly. Geocopter auto-take-off and flight, precision auto landing and partial high resolution ortophoto.

3rd prize: Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (France) [189]
Autonomous takeoff, Best overall photomission, all blockades visible, full village high resolution map at 6cm/pixel, autonomous computer vision based 7-segment display reading (**), longest correct observation string, autonomous roof landing (*), reading house numbers with many ARdrones in autonomous flight. Several autonomous landings.

4th place: High Flyers (Poland) [161]
Autonomous Photomission (*), Autonomous Flight Blockade detection, Autonomous take-offs, precision landing, Video-based indoor ARDrone flight with several rooms and objects but many crashes and many user interactions.

5th place: AUTMAV (Iran) [148]
Flying router-repeater quad (*), Auto-take-off, Partial photomap, 1 Blockade, Roof-Landing (*). IP-Camera house number reading (*), ARdrone roof landing.

6th place: AKAMAV (Germany) [108]
Autonomous take-offs, Autonomous photomap (*), House number readings (*), Autonomous roof landing, 1 Blockade, Several manual landings.

7th place: Manchester (UK) [100]
Autonomous take-off, Photomission flown, minimal village map (*), 1 blockade, precision landing.

8th place: EMC+ (Iran) [79]
FPV flight: Take-Off, Roof landing (*), Precision Landing, House number reading (OCR software), Visited 2 indoor Rooms, Roof landing.

9th place: MRL (Iran) [39]
Automatic take-off, Roof landing (*), Photomission flown, map stitching error (*), automatic landing.

10th place: ARIO (Iran) [20]
Fixed-wing: Autonomous take-off, autonomous photomission, many manual flight interactions

11th place + Special Achievement Prize: MAVerix (Germany) [12]
Autonomous take-off, autonomous transitioning to forward flight as fixed-wing, onboard camera (*/no mission information recorded). Special Achievement prize for their contribution to hybrid flight, their work on de-coupling controls.

Shared 12th place: CUAF (UK) [0]
Autonomous Take-Off (*), Photomission (*), …

Shared 12th place: MIPTeam (Russia) [0]
New own design of autopilot: SmartAP. Video-based entering the house (*)

(*) Item attempted but either failed, or needed manual flight, or not according to competition rules.

(**) Item attempted in autonomous mission mode, but human intervention was needed and it got scored in autonomous flight mode.